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The Tower of Eternity 1F

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  • #16
    Adheisive where?

    Where is the adheisive?


    • #17
      Hmmm I found a green key, a Memos 1 and 2, and an adhesives (used)..
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      • #18
        Can I refer you back to Uncle Rim's post above? There really is no hidden trickery, counting pen strokes, casting runes, reading entrails...

        (P.S. I'm from planet Earth, if that helps. Most people here have around 10 fingers, hence the above solution -- though evidence suggests that older computer programmers tend to have 16 fingers )


        • #19
          OK -- one more attempt to explain it...

          Right -- I'm off to do floor 45 which has just appeared.


          • #20
            Originally posted by GentsBabe
            Because, actually, that IS what I DID do, LOL ... counted over to the C
            Ah -- no, you didn't COUNT over to "c". That would have been "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c", and you would have run off the end of the list before you reached "c". What you did was...

            Originally posted by GentsBabe
            ...just recited the alphabet while counting over each number.
            Now do EXACTLY the same using a series of numbers instead of letters. Start reciting "Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four" while counting over each number (first one, second one, third one, fourth one, fifth one). When you recited "Four", what number had you counted up to? (Clue: it's more than 4 but less than 6.)

            And if you still don't see it, try this:

            Suppose the clue had said not "4+5", but had said "0+5". What would the answer have been? There is no 0'th number in the list, so there is no way you could just count up to it.

