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Selena Gَmez and The Wizard of Oz
English is working, at least for me. I haveToto, Eagle, tiny rock, oil can, tin man with axe (combined them), and bamboo branches.I am now hoping someone will help mewith the oar, the scarecrow, and the lion.
I'm further along. I haveOar (make ladder with bamboo and rope on Munchkinland sign and use on tree. It's timed, so all I did was shoot across (never took finger off <--arrow key, used hand to grab oar with feet and fling to dry land, shoot back across with finger on -->arrow key and climbed back down ladder), got Tinman from forest, using axe and first Munchkin, used Tinman on logs blocking road, got to tree, scared off by lion. Used rocks near apple tree and threw them at apple tree's right hand (left, as you are facing him)--He'll yell and throw the apple at you. Give apple to Munchkin #3 and he will let you into his house (have conversation with him first--all three prompts) gather all things from house (I believe it's bucket, bench, toy mouse, and key under couch). Use bench and Eagle on empty cross* next to scarecrow, then take bench and use with cross* with scarecrow. Scarecrow will jump down and join you. Go to lion's tree and use mouse and key. Put mouse and key in view mode and wind up mouse, then put in grab view and place near tree. Lion will be spooked and join you. Use bucket in river and soil found there, and you'll have a bucket of mud. Use all three in river view to get rope, and use Tinman on long log. Make a raft and use oar to get to other side. Use bucket of mud on flowers in following scene. You will make it to Wizard's castle then the Witch's Castle, where you will be trapped. That is where I am right now.
*No offence to anyone. I wasn't trying to squash anyone's religious beliefs.Last edited by Purp; 02-25-2011, 07:46:07.Don't forget you are awesome.
Yes! Today we have English .. Now 6 thinks - two joined. Hmm.. Back and forth trying to figure out some problems. Having a time with pushing arrow at right time - keep getting options to touch, talk .. She is no Lara Croft! she doesn't go out far enough! what am I doing wrong?
Purp trying to get back on land after grabbing the oar - which I finially did but I get back to the tree and she just hangs there even though I clicked madly on the ladder. I had to take a porch break as I was cursing her out for not moving right along. I have tinman w/ me and the scrawcrow is down but he opted to just stand there in the corn field. LOLLast edited by NannaJoy; 02-25-2011, 19:56:49.