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lol Bladerunner.... I agree... Took ages to move that DAM cat but finally... Decorated Tree and now out YAY.....
Why am i always last to finish... u guys in the USA must get the new games when us Aussies are sleeping at night.... BooooOOOOoooAussie Aussie Aussie.... Oi Oi Oi......
i'm also stuck!!!
decorated the tree with 4 things, and now what?
have one space empty in the my items, under the bowl...
power of posting...
got the water from the flowers outside and went to the table and wrote letters on the yellow paper...
what's next?
i'm out!!!
i bow to the power of posting!!!! (-:Last edited by jack; 07-03-2007, 12:48:59. Reason: Please use the edit button instead of posting multiple times in a row
Umm, I need help. The items I have areGold coin (used and got back and used again), the key (used), Yellow radish-looking thing that looks like it is made of felt, dish (had water in it and used), Freaky-looking scissors, yellow paper (used), the colored mini-papers, pink paper, and the confetti like paper strips. I have no clue how to open this fruit thing everyone is talking about nor where the glue is. Can someone help me?I live in the messed up world of my mind. I love final fantasy. My favorite anime is Gundam Wing.
2 riddles made so far.
Visit Wings of Twilight for some good rping!
Thank you for letting us know where the glue is. But what do you do afteryou combine the paper strips into a chain then the paper slips into a flat looking chain and cut the pink paper up? Oh, btw, I also was able to write on the yellow paper.I live in the messed up world of my mind. I love final fantasy. My favorite anime is Gundam Wing.
2 riddles made so far.
Visit Wings of Twilight for some good rping!
Should I havemore than 1 coin? I have 1 oval-shaped coin. I tried to put that into a slot next to the safe, but it won't go there.
Originally posted by BronwynShould I havemore than 1 coin? I have 1 oval-shaped coin. I tried to put that into a slot next to the safe, but it won't go there.
on the crack on the wall to get the wooden thing out
i can´t get the fruit thing to open... can anyone help me out!!!