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The Ascetic Practices Of A Hermit Tenho (aka Tenho Sennin)

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  • #46
    Jack you're a champ!!! thank you, thank you....

    Leapfrog... i have muted my sound cause i'm at work!!

    I can't find
    . i can
    but that's it!!

    Leapfrog!! Heeeeellllllpppppppp!!

    "If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts." Albert Einstein


    • #47
      Originally posted by scambo View Post
      Jack you're a champ!!! thank you, thank you....

      Leapfrog... i have muted my sound cause i'm at work!!

      I can't find
      . i can
      but that's it!!
      Click the


      • #48
        Wow!! Thanks Jack again!!! Got it first time the second time around!!

        Now onto the table part.... i think i'm getting a headache!!! lol

        Ok... that's me done... i can't finish it... too hard!!
        Last edited by scambo; 02-21-2008, 06:19:59.

        "If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts." Albert Einstein


        • #49
          Finnaly out! hard game!
          thanks for all the hints!!
          Online family
          Brothers : Party 4 ever and Yorick
          Sister : Mcakkay
          Sister-in-law : Nefertiti
          Nieces & Nephews : Suzy, Virgo, Zillah and Themolestarted

          Member of GFARDTO

          The leopard of Looney Bin

          I'm back!!!! Yaay!!! I missed you all!!!!


          • #50
            Very hard game.
            I have one stick in the center. I don't undrstand how I am supposed to 'repeat for each side'

            Should I be able to get different views of the table? Seems impossible...

            EDIT**The power of posting is awesome. Got a different view of the table now... I think you have to be sure to view the switched tile before you can get the right view of the table.


            • #51
              I had a very difficult time trying to

              OUT!!! interesting game!
              I'm addicted to escape games!

              :elephant: :elephantbye: :elephant: :elephantbye: :elephant: :elephantbye: :elephant: :elephantbye: :elephant: :elephantbye:


              • #52

                cant get the table to pop up is there a certain side to click on getting frustrating

                edit:got the table up but i'am stuck again? Keep on clicking lollol
                Last edited by EscapeGirl; 05-09-2008, 18:01:01. Reason: Merged Posts: Please use the EDIT button to avoid more than one post in a row.


                • #53
                  Cant you people PLEASE explain how the red tile goes onto the table?
                  I've clicked ALL over it and it won't go.
                  The screenshot I saw had lines on the table.
                  My table is just plain green. HELP!
                  I still have the red tile we used the black pen on, candle (how do I light that?), Black Pen, White Pen, Yellow & White tiles joined with red pen on them, A note I can't read and what looks like a telescope?


                  • #54
                    I am so sorry I have to quit...
                    It is the 2nd day I am trying to "flip" the table.
                    I cannot do it.
                    I will go on to another game...
                    Good luck to anyone else playing

                    I am like a clown...
                    I have that teardrop stuck on my face for years.
                    However everyone believes that it's just part of my
                    special make-up ...


                    • #55
                      got out!!


                      • #56
                        denk je wel, wouter!

                        I'd never have got out without your help

                        it's a weird ending - have we all been elevated to a higher plane?


                        • #57
                          This game kept giving me heartattacks!
                          Call me crazy! Im a member of the Loony Bin!
                          ONLINE FAMILY!
                          Hugo_Smith = Brother

                          awesomeman = Brother

                          Humphry = Sister



                          • #58
                            AAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!! Who knew that there were so many ways to look at that table!

                            It ended up being fun though, I have to admit. Thanks for the hints!
                            "People don't suffer from Asperger's,
                            they suffer from the ignorance of others."

