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Daymare Town 3

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  • Mateusz makes the best games out there! I'm out after several hours and a little help from this thread. You can go back to the main menu and click on Achievements to see a list of things to do. I got four out of ten of them. I found eight gnomes, but apparently that's not enough! There are a few things I managed to do that I did not see listed in this thread. Let me see if I can get spoiler text right.

    Using the
    I opened the door at the top near the room where you begin the game. There are some items inside, including a vial of urine and a stool sample. No, I'm not making it up! I gave the guy in there
    I still got nothing out of him.

    There were still several doors unopened, and several items unused. I love Mateusz's games!

    Oh, I forgot, I took the
    This gave me a
    , that I have no idea what to do with.

    I also discovered that after you win, you can load your last game and it will take you to the point right before you exit the city gates.
    Last edited by Mistery; 03-31-2010, 10:50:56. Reason: Please use the EDIT button instead of double posting :)


    • Daymare Town 3 - The Guide

      This is a kind of walkthrough created by a summary of the previous posts and my note taking - it is by no means complete but will help you complete the game so use it wisely

      After completing you can go back into your game to work on the things we didn't get here.
      Have fun and good night!
      Last edited by Rexroth; 04-03-2010, 10:50:48. Reason: Location of last gnome - THX Jal Phoenix
      You dont have to be crazy to work here - but it sure helps


      • Comment

        • Goodmorning,

          Thought that the game had an auto save but I can only choose new game and not load game.
          I have to start over again.

          I'm out.
          Thanks for all the help.
          Last edited by Yvonne; 03-31-2010, 08:42:37.
          From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


          • Thanks, Mistery, Jal, lovex, and (espeically) Rexroth. I appreciate the help you gave. I was an Olympic medalist , a gnome finder, a mathematician (not his phrase, but the abacus code thing), a Good Uncle (let's ignore the fact I'm an aunt), and I finished the game. Nanna--congratulations on the new grand child (and grand dog, too) --I hope you have a wonderful time on the family trip. I never figured out how to give the guy in the alley a "pick up", though. As always, a great game.
            Don't forget you are awesome.


            • woooh out
              really great game and thanks for all the hints everyone left


              • If you zoom over
                obtaining another gear.

                Has anyone figured out what to do with:

                holy picture
                growling monster near Memorial Park entrance
                The view from below of the ball/rope in the Focault Tower?
                Last edited by Mistery; 04-02-2010, 17:09:11. Reason: Please use spoilers to give hints


                • No. I haven't figured out what to do with the flower, urine, the "pick up" guy (think it has to do with focault tower and hook in the stairs in Re square, but not sure what to do).

                  Just made another achievement. To be a "Cold blooded killer" you need to

                  To be an spiderlover (he used a different word) use

                  To be a "Good Samariatan" you need to
                  Last edited by Purp; 04-08-2010, 08:11:52.
                  Don't forget you are awesome.


                  • Originally posted by Purp View Post
                    No. I haven't figured out what to do with the flower, urine, the "pick up" guy (think it has to do with focault tower and hook in the stairs in Re square, but not sure what to do).

                    Just made another achievement. To be a "Cold blooded killer" you need to

                    To be an spiderlover (he used a different word) use

                    To be a "Good Samariatan" you need to
                    Good Samaritan,
                    A: Guys! There's no 'I' in TEAM.
                    B: Well, there's no 'U'(you) either.
                    Roses are red,
                    Violets are blue.
                    I'm so glad that
                    colors weren't wasted on you.



                    • Originally posted by Purp View Post
                      No. I haven't figured out what to do with the flower, urine, the "pick up" guy (think it has to do with focault tower and hook in the stairs in Re square, but not sure what to do).
                      I had the same idea for the pick up guy (to lift them up somehow), but never found a way to do this.

                      You can use the urine with

                      or you use the urine to get the cold blooded killer achievement.

                      You can give the pick up guy

                      You can give the robot

                      The arachnologist achievement

                      the good Samariatan achievement

                      No idea what to do with the rare flower.

                      More info about all achievements, other things you can do and how to get so much coins as possible:
                      Daymare Town 3: The revered series continues directly after your flight in the air balloon from Daymare Town 2. Later you find yourself in a hospital and must get out. New features include a new cursor to show places that you can move, translations and thoughts, and dialogue via pictures. What are you waiting for?! Go play it now!
                      Last edited by Adventure; 04-08-2010, 11:01:21.
                      Faily of Kzin



                      • Ok, thanks, Jeral and Adventure, For the help.
                        Don't forget you are awesome.


                        • this is so freakin hard and just humongous!
                          My Motto:enjoy life and dare to dance like a PANDA!!!


                          • didn't save! Long handled mop would get rid of some of the webs. Hmm.. Just one stone to rule them all. Haven't seen that guy before. Thought the basement was bigger last time I played.
                            Hmm.. should I have noted number of short guys Ifound? & I am lugging something around I do not want to!
                            Hmm - have a long list of things to find and it is 12:30 a.m. I've been up and down today with this, email, dinner, dog out 2X .. One lady wants $ but don't want to give her all I have so will she just get one ? vist to barn - thought there would be more areas to see.
                            Holy picture now .. who needs that?
                            What happened to my tired lady? Good hevens. I got to hang it up - 1:45 a.m.

                            Did not save .. So I'll just play around here and see if I can do something new.

                            how many gears? I've used 6 - and have one in my stuff.
                            Bedtime .. wondering what I have to do so it saves *sigh*. Made better notes (hopefully)

                            Played a ouple of hours and found a ouple of things I didn't have - made notes. So maybe I'll have time tomorrow to put it all together. Great fun to try to figure out how to help people and locate things. Night - after 1 a.m.

                            I played today between events. I enjoyed giving hair pill to guy who needed a pick up LOL He still grumbled but .. deleted after it might not be proper. I had 4 awards and two medals. Found 8 funny little guys. 1 a.m. - must be bedtime!
                            Good uncle award - candy and lollypop to kids.
                            Problem solver award. (wish I could find old notes - probably tossed)
                            Numerologist award.
                            .. out with score of 3 (# of coins (should have sold everything?) 7 out of 10 achivements - and closed that tab before seeing what else. One of those days.
                            Last edited by NannaJoy; 11-28-2011, 00:27:45.

