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  • #46 need to burn the PICTURE of the turtle looking thing for the 4th note. you can get it off the wall by using the pink thingy


    • #47
      Originally posted by ThemePark

      But since I only have notes with numbers 2, 6 and 0, how do I get the fourth note? None of them can be burned
      The way of getting 4 notes are described in the thread. Not sure which one nr. 7 was. Did you get the notes


      • #48
        I have 4 letters with the numbers 7026. On 1 of the letters there is numbers but they didn't work for me in the code. I wish I could read Japanese


        • #49
          I got the bells...hit them in a rainbow order and you get a key...ROY G BIV


          • #50
            Rainbow, pfftt of course

            Yes, I got the note from the picture, but I could only find the way of getting 3 notes in the thread
            Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

            We take care of all your robot needs.
            - If your harddrive crashes?

            Call Backup.
            Or see Upstairs.

            - If you need to get something copied?

            Go see Neko, the copycat.


            • #51
              wer did u find the key?? i hit it in rainbow order...doesnt work =\

              oops nvm i thot the dark blue was blue


              • #52
                I can't get the note from the TV are you sure

                Couldn't find a pen had to think of a new trick / This one he wrote in cold blood with a toothpick.


                • #53
                  For some reason the bells are not working for me. Is there a trick to it?

                  I figured it out thanks


                  • #54
                    yes but make sure ur tv is plugged in and on


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by minimoo
                      wer did u find the key?? i hit it in rainbow order...doesnt work =\

                      oops nvm i thot the dark blue was blue

                      The Blue is really Indigo.

                      Originally posted by minimoo
                      yes but make sure ur tv is plugged in and on

                      yes, it's plugged in, and I assume it's on, though all I see is static.
                      Last edited by Yvonne; 10-29-2010, 00:46:22. Reason: Merged Posts
                      Couldn't find a pen had to think of a new trick / This one he wrote in cold blood with a toothpick.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by ThemePark
                        Rainbow, pfftt of course

                        Yes, I got the note from the picture, but I could only find the way of getting 3 notes in the thread
                        I have edited my post
                        Did you get 2 nots from curtain?

                        Got difficulties with bells....
                        EDIT: Got it


                        • #57
                          I can't find the hammer and the knife...


                          • #58
                            still can't figure out the bells, sorry I don't know too much about the colors of the rainbow, lol.


                            • #59

                              Thanks who ever did this!!!


                              • #60

                                Mistery, the only 3 ways that are mentioned, are burning the picture, using the torch on the wall behind the curtains, and clicking the arrows on the TV
                                Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

                                We take care of all your robot needs.
                                - If your harddrive crashes?

                                Call Backup.
                                Or see Upstairs.

                                - If you need to get something copied?

                                Go see Neko, the copycat.

