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Lost Memory

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  • #31

    I'm at the part where I need the username - already opened the safe, so it must be

    Ok, got it and escaped!
    Last edited by Katelynn; 06-27-2008, 10:29:28.


    • #32
      erm, the walkthrough says the satnav tells you what floor your on.
      mine never did or i never saw it.
      and how were we supposed to know that thing about rubik cubes?

      there was no clue to that anywhere.

      anyone solving this without the walkthru is a genius.
      you really should be able to turn the room light on though otherwise its just pointless having a switch there for it.


      • #33
        I have no idea, brain. I had to use the walkthrough to get the hint about the
        That was tough.


        • #34
          Would like to play it if I could see. Sheet of phone numbers is in middle of screen and space bar isn't making it go away

          Edit: NVM, I knew POP would work lol

          Loki, God of destruction


          • #35
            where is button number 4? i can't find it anywhere... i got all the other items on my own... help!!


            • #36
              Originally posted by Frezack View Post
              where is button number 4? i can't find it anywhere... i got all the other items on my own... help!!

              I think that was the one

              It is on the keypad beside the door.

              Username was tough, I wouldn't have made that connection.
              Last edited by Rhiannann; 06-27-2008, 19:18:30.

              Loki, God of destruction


              • #37
                out, but had to use the walkthrough...never would have gotten that rubik's cube connection!
                I'm addicted to escape games!

                :elephant: :elephantbye: :elephant: :elephantbye: :elephant: :elephantbye: :elephant: :elephantbye: :elephant: :elephantbye:


                • #38
                  Out! Great game!
                  Online family
                  Brothers : Party 4 ever and Yorick
                  Sister : Mcakkay
                  Sister-in-law : Nefertiti
                  Nieces & Nephews : Suzy, Virgo, Zillah and Themolestarted

                  Member of GFARDTO

                  The leopard of Looney Bin

                  I'm back!!!! Yaay!!! I missed you all!!!!


                  • #39
                    I loved this game!! Except for the first bit of the code..and one letter... i almost made it through...

                    "If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts." Albert Einstein


                    • #40
                      What I need:


                      • #41

                        look under the desk drawer. Need to find all numbers to plug it on the gray box in shelf for more clues on username...


                        • #42
                          ok, so i need the user name, the last number (#8) with i think is in the vent that i cant get it out of. and a what to do with the keys. after that i think i might be able to figure the rest out for myself. please give me a hint!

                          Never mind. power of post!!
                          Last edited by pigy152; 08-29-2008, 21:27:22.
                          Pigs go OINK!
                          Visit my website!!!


                          • #43
                            Played this before at another site. remember how to get a light .. onward to another new game. Too many coming in! And I can't live on the computer *sigh*


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Chameleon View Post

                              Edit: I got the safe open! So now I really do need to know the name of that constellation lol
                              The Constellation is
                              Last edited by Mistery; 10-11-2008, 00:30:43. Reason: added spoiler tags


                              • #45
                                The nav thingy in the coat pocket is for the password isnt it o.o?
                                its moms post code
                                Is he here yet?


