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Stickman Odo

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  • #16

    my game makes no song.....


    • #17


      • #18
        stick odo 2 click knife take to top right corner
        Last edited by OneBun; 04-20-2006, 04:45:22. Reason: Be careful w/ language


        • #19
          Yay i did it.
          I like this game.
          Carrot Scientist of GamersHood Planet
          Night Owl of GamersHood Planet!
          1st GamersHood twins - Jenni and I!
          The Looney Bin Banner!


          • #20
            The whole walkthrough IT TOOKK AGES TO TYPE OUT!

            Level 1 - Click on lever twice.
            Click just under the ground just beneath you.
            Click on the ceiling in the gap. YAY LVL 1 clear
            Level 2 - Click in an empty space on the right to make you move to the bridge.
            Click near your feet on the bridge. The bridge will fall.
            Now you have to do this next bit quite fast.
            Click the gap's in the ceiling in order and you should get across.
            Now you are at a new scene. You are standing on the edge of a cliff.
            Click on the land beneath you. Now click again. You will fall.
            Now (madly) click on the empty space on the right. LVL 2 clear
            Level 3 - Click on weird shaped thing.
            Click on the feint rectangle a few centimeters away.
            Use the screwdriver by clicking the screws one by one.
            First do the bottom left one.
            Next the top right.
            Then top left.
            And finally the bottom right.
            After that click on the rectangle.
            Click the right arrow button twenty-four times then press 'A'.
            Click the bullet.
            Click the dark slanted rectangle bit on the ceiling and tadaa.
            LVL 3 clear

            LEVEL 4 -

            You need ultra clicking speed for this one.
            Click the first bump on the ceiling then the second.
            Then click the kind of rotten bump in the middle of the right wall.
            You should be standing against the wall now.
            Click the bit of ground nearest to the right wall.
            Click the small bump in the ground by the long bit of ground.
            Click the long bit and you should pick up the ground.
            Click on the chest and you guessed it.
            YOU WIN!!!


            • #21
              PM me for any more stickman game walkthroughs

              PM me for any more stickman game walkthroughs
              I have a stickman odo 2 walkthrough aswelllllllll


              • #22
                why is this game SO FLIPPIN HARD!!!!how the hell do you do the part where he picks up that gun...screwdriver...wadever it is.then what the<<<DELETED>>> do you do next??

