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Game Contest

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  • Darn! I just got 5277. Seems I'll have to keep trying. (This game is so addicting. )

    EDIT: Have to get ready for bed, but this was the best I could do so far:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Game Contest.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	32.7 KB
ID:	1687774

    Btw, I think it's cool how even after you close the window with the game, if you return to it, it still has your personal best score saved.


    • Wow you guys are good. All I can get is 3318
      Ghost member of GFARDTO

      Online Family

      Sisters - Super T and Humphryboop
      Brother - Awsomeman

      Sanity is futile...So be LOONEY!

      Ghost of the Loonies


      • WTG RBS!!!
        After several tries i got

        *feeds the monkey bananas...many many bananas*
        Attached Files
        Online family
        Brothers : Party 4 ever and Yorick
        Sister : Mcakkay
        Sister-in-law : Nefertiti
        Nieces & Nephews : Suzy, Virgo, Zillah and Themolestarted

        Member of GFARDTO

        The leopard of Looney Bin

        I'm back!!!! Yaay!!! I missed you all!!!!


        • Hey thanks Dia. You picked a great game because its so easy to restart once you know the ball isn't going very far.

          FYI to everyone I have one score even higher. I don't know how all of you judge your kick but I watch to see how long the ball goes while still bouncing out of sight on the top. Rarely it will still go offscreen topside when entering monkeytown at 4000 m's. Those are worth finishing before hitting restart. That's the angle I am playing but who knows in 7 hours anything can happen.


          • Great scores Dia & RBS!

            Originally posted by RBS View Post
            FYI to everyone I have one score even higher. I don't know how all of you judge your kick but I watch to see how long the ball goes while still bouncing out of sight on the top. Rarely it will still go offscreen topside when entering monkeytown at 4000 m's. Those are worth finishing before hitting restart. That's the angle I am playing but who knows in 7 hours anything can happen.
            I do the same thing. When the ball doesn't bounce out of sight in monkey town, I restart.

            @Dia, thanks for posting this game. I really love it!

            Well, I am not sure if this will beat RBS's latest high score, but at least I beat my own high score.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	monkey 2.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	34.4 KB
ID:	1687777
            Faily of Kzin



            • Man, you guys are good! I think I bow out of this race for a high score.


              • Looks like it gonna be a showdown at sundown in Monkeytown.

                Great score Adventure, good luck ev1
                Last edited by RBS; 10-31-2008, 01:24:34.


                • Lol. Thanks. But it appears you got better cards than me. Really great score, RBS. I doubt I will beat that score but I have still a little 6 hours left.

                  Edit: Power of posting!
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	monkey 4.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	32.6 KB
ID:	1687778
                  Faily of Kzin



                  • Aww coconuts, just when you think you are safe. WTG Adventure, its not over yet!


                    • 5560!! I'm catching up!! But I gotta do better than that!!


                      • wtg Escape, you getting tips from monkeyboss?


                        • You can do it, Escape!

                          Edit: In the thread someone claims he got 7278.
                          Faily of Kzin



                          • I was wondering what the highest possible score might be. 7000's! I can't whack that ball that hard!


                            • Thanks, RBS and Adventure!

                              The monkey boss loves bananas so much, I'm trying to bribe the monkey kicker. He's not hungry right now - that's why it's not working.


                              • Aww. But otherwise I'm sure you could have beaten my score.

                                Well, the day is over and it seems I won. So I am going to post a new game. It's a newer one and I know RBS already had some practice. I hope you all enjoy this game.
                                Faily of Kzin


