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The Official Gamershood High Score Contest!

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  • The Official Gamershood High Score Contest!

    This is posted with approval by the Mods!
    Thank you for accepting this idea.

    This will be run in a similar way to the Game Contest thread, but with many exceptions.


    1: It will be a weekly game, with no exceptions on the time. Even if someone just posted a winning score 5 minutes before the time is up. This means not only playing, but strategy in timing your posts is key to winning.
    (However, if a moderator determines that the screenshot is fake, or the score has been tampered with in any way, then the poster is disqualified, for a time frame that the determining mod says.)
    2: The winner of the game will get: their score and their name next to the game in question, on the first post of the thread.
    3: The winner will also get to post the next game. If they do not post the next game within 24 hours of when a moderator officially gives them the win, then the first person to see that post as "1 day ago" may post the new game.
    4: Screenshots are a MUST. No exceptions. If you forgot to SS your score out of excitement, you are unfortunatly out of luck.
    5: The games will be sorted into the same categories as the "free online and offline games" forum and in the same order, so as to make it easier for users to find a specific game.
    6: The game type (escape, RPG, puzzle, etc.) should be changed as much as possible between games. This way, everyone gets better practice at all types of games here. Also, it keeps it alive in the sense that it will not get as repetitive doing the same type over and over.

    The first game will be: Panzo Invaders

    High Scores:

    Lilly-Hop: Justeazy ~ 33011

    Beat the Rush!: funja ~ 3978

    Panzo Invaders: Cyber Girl ~ 06754710
    Pandemic II: Realistic Mode: Heartofthedark ~ 48492
    Dino Run: *~shiningstar~* ~ 18040
    Last edited by Justeazy; 10-07-2008, 02:18:10.
    It'll SHOCK you!
    Post anything and everything about Short Circuit HERE!

  • #2
    Wow! this is awsome!
    Score: Click image for larger version

Name:	Score 8.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	37.1 KB
ID:	1688717
    Never Spam Never Will.

    Members of: Gamershood, Newgrounds, Kongregate, YouTube, JustinTV and Eddsworld

    Im in the Looney Bin!

    Me like the modeling!

    Fan to Eddsworld
    Go to Eddsworld Because Its Awesome!


    • #3
      yay i did good
      Last edited by funja; 01-14-2009, 03:26:23.


      • #4
        Loved this game.

        Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal xxx


        • #5
          WOW, GREAT SCORE cyber girl!
          I take it that screen means you won the game?
          Wonder If anyone could beat it (I can't, )
          It'll SHOCK you!
          Post anything and everything about Short Circuit HERE!


          • #6
            I've been meaning to get to this for a while.
            It won't load on my comp. So I'm going to wait for another game.


            • #7
              haha thanks justeazy, yes that is the final level i beat them all, it was a good game, come on i'm sure someone can beat it.
              Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal xxx


              • #8
                i cant ive tried a few times i guess you are a sure win right now


                • #9
                  If someone does beat it, they better do it quick.
                  Only 2.5 days left for this game!

                  I know it won't be me, that game is HARD on a laptop!

                  PS: When that game is done, I will take it off the first post and post the high scores in it's place, like they are supposed to be, ^_^
                  It'll SHOCK you!
                  Post anything and everything about Short Circuit HERE!


                  • #10
                    cool well ill wait for an easy one


                    • #11
                      Me too this one is really tough

                      "Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow......

                      Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.........
                      Just walk beside me and be my friend "

                      My Online Family
                      Sis-Mojotolo and Rima

                      :group-hug: :group-hug: :group-hug::group-hug:


                      • #12
                        And Cyber Girl is the first winner! Congrats!

                        New contest starts as soon as a new game is posted.
                        Faily of Kzin



                        • #13
                          I'm excited.


                          • #14
                            Congrats cybergirl!!!

                            Hmmm... since it has been "1 Day" since Adventure posted that, anyone may now post the next game!
                            (Thx for editing it Adventure. When I got on, the site was down, )
                            It'll SHOCK you!
                            Post anything and everything about Short Circuit HERE!


                            • #15
                              Next game

                              If anyone can post the next game then I choose..

                              Pandemic 2! (Realistic Mode)

                              Attached Files

