Before we get this started, I just want to make it clear that you MUST have a life before you come on or else your chances at getting a life will drop a significate amount!!!

Anyway, here's where we can congrats each other on their time and effort to making a good sig or avatar. Plz note these two things:
1. Do not rate someone's avatar, sig, profile or profile picture by the appearance. Try to see what the person was trying to get across, also do not rate a default Avatar
2. State what you are rating like so: A (avatar):1-10/10 and S (Sig.):1-10/10 and P (Profile): 1-10/10 and PP (Profile Picture): 1-10/10
Rate the person above you, not the person above the person above yours, k?
(This is not that complicated!!)

Anyway, here's where we can congrats each other on their time and effort to making a good sig or avatar. Plz note these two things:
1. Do not rate someone's avatar, sig, profile or profile picture by the appearance. Try to see what the person was trying to get across, also do not rate a default Avatar
2. State what you are rating like so: A (avatar):1-10/10 and S (Sig.):1-10/10 and P (Profile): 1-10/10 and PP (Profile Picture): 1-10/10
Rate the person above you, not the person above the person above yours, k?
(This is not that complicated!!)