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The longest story 2!!!

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  • The longest story 2!!!

    okay i have no idea where the first one went so i'll make another one.

    the plot is that you continue after what the lasst person said, but you must read the entire story before you submit yours.

    i'll start it off.

    (As the man with big boots walk down the highway, he suddenly turned around to see... )

    what happens next? you decide by creating something up.

    Rules update:
    Copy-paste the previous post into your post, and add to the story.
    When there is not enough space in your post to add to the story, post the link to the previous post, and add your content.
    The following players should copy-paste the whole previous post (including the link) and add to the story.
    Last edited by Mistery; 12-02-2007, 12:26:34. Reason: Added rules update
    Hey there, if you get stuck with anything just send me a message and let me know

  • #2
    (How about copy-pasting the rest so far and then add your part, so that it will be easier to read the whole story so far?)

    As the man with big boots walk down the highway, he suddenly turned around to see that he was followed by a little dog. He called him, and the little animal approached him, but suddenly sat down, and looked at the man.


    • #3
      As the man with big boots walk down the highway, he suddenly turned around to see that he was followed by a little dog. He called him, and the little animal approached him, but suddenly sat down, and looked at the man.Then the dog ran up and bit the man on the nose.


      • #4
        As the man with big boots walk down the highway, he suddenly turned around to see that he was followed by a little dog. He called him, and the little animal approached him, but suddenly sat down, and looked at the man.Then the dog ran up and bit the man on the nose. This was a very nonsensicle thing to do because the man knew Ty Chee/Karate and tackled the poor little puppy. What the man didn't know about the dog was
        Sister Dia <3
        Elite Member of GFARDTO

        Why Are YOU Worrying about You-Know-Who?
        You SHOULD Be Worrying About
        U-NO-POO -
        the CONSTIPATION SENSATION That's Gripping the Nation!

        Why so Serious?


        • #5
          As the man with big boots walk down the highway, he suddenly turned around to see that he was followed by a little dog. He called him, and the little animal approached him, but suddenly sat down, and looked at the man.Then the dog ran up and bit the man on the nose. This was a very nonsensicle thing to do because the man knew Ty Chee/Karate and tackled the poor little puppy. What the man didn't know about the dog was rabid.the dog yet again bit him and got away.


          • #6
            As the man with big boots walk down the highway, he suddenly turned around to see that he was followed by a little dog. He called him, and the little animal approached him, but suddenly sat down, and looked at the man.Then the dog ran up and bit the man on the nose. This was a very nonsensicle thing to do because the man knew Ty Chee/Karate and tackled the poor little puppy. What the man didn't know about the dog was rabid.the dog yet again bit him and got away.
            The man watched the dog to run away from him and wondered why that puppy did such thing. So he decided
            The cute chicken of LooneyBin
            With wonderful younger sisters:Animal Dragon Chocbubbles
            Sons: Funja,Isaiah and 2 Tails
            Daughter: Emo234
            Proud member of GFARDTO
            Carrot Explosion Expert
            I'm CHOCACHOLIC and I like it and if you don't like it that's fine.More chocolate for me


            • #7
              As the man with big boots walk down the highway, he suddenly turned around to see that he was followed by a little dog. He called him, and the little animal approached him, but suddenly sat down, and looked at the man.Then the dog ran up and bit the man on the nose. This was a very nonsensicle thing to do because the man knew Ty Chee/Karate and tackled the poor little puppy. What the man didn't know about the dog was rabid.the dog yet again bit him and got away.
              The man watched the dog to run away from him and wondered why that puppy did such thing. So he decided to get a taco at a taco stand because he was feeling weak from his encounter with that little puppy. Eventually
              Sister Dia <3
              Elite Member of GFARDTO

              Why Are YOU Worrying about You-Know-Who?
              You SHOULD Be Worrying About
              U-NO-POO -
              the CONSTIPATION SENSATION That's Gripping the Nation!

              Why so Serious?


              • #8
                As the man with big boots walk down the highway, he suddenly turned around to see that he was followed by a little dog. He called him, and the little animal approached him, but suddenly sat down, and looked at the man.Then the dog ran up and bit the man on the nose. This was a very nonsensicle thing to do because the man knew Ty Chee/Karate and tackled the poor little puppy. What the man didn't know about the dog was rabid.the dog yet again bit him and got away.
                The man watched the dog to run away from him and wondered why that puppy did such thing. So he decided to get a taco at a taco stand because he was feeling weak from his encounter with that little puppy. Eventually it was his turn to order something, but still full of memories of that dog, he ordered a hotdog instead of a taco.


                • #9
                  As the man with big boots walk down the highway, he suddenly turned around to see that he was followed by a little dog. He called him, and the little animal approached him, but suddenly sat down, and looked at the man.Then the dog ran up and bit the man on the nose. This was a very nonsensicle thing to do because the man knew Ty Chee/Karate and tackled the poor little puppy. What the man didn't know about the dog was rabid. The dog yet again bit him and got away.
                  The man watched the dog to run away from him and wondered why that puppy did such thing. So he decided to get a taco at a taco stand because he was feeling weak from his encounter with that little puppy. Eventually it was his turn to order something, but still full of memories of that dog, he ordered a hotdog instead of a taco. But, as it turned out, the rabies made him crazy and stuffed the hot dog up the hot dog guy's fat nose.
                  Last edited by Penguinz; 10-30-2007, 03:08:48. Reason: Editing
                  Anyone who is reading this, might want to stop. It is sad.
                  My teacher died of cancer a week before Christmas Eve.
                  Now we have a new teacher, but I will always remain sad, and will hope for people with cancer


                  • #10
                    As the man with big boots walk down the highway, he suddenly turned around to see that he was followed by a little dog. He called him, and the little animal approached him, but suddenly sat down, and looked at the man.Then the dog ran up and bit the man on the nose. This was a very nonsensicle thing to do because the man knew Ty Chee/Karate and tackled the poor little puppy. What the man didn't know about the dog was rabid. The dog yet again bit him and got away.
                    The man watched the dog to run away from him and wondered why that puppy did such thing. So he decided to get a taco at a taco stand because he was feeling weak from his encounter with that little puppy. Eventually it was his turn to order something, but still full of memories of that dog, he ordered a hotdog instead of a taco. But, as it turned out, the rabies made him crazy and stuffed the hot dog up the hot dog guy's fat nose. The man started screaming and run in circles infrond the taco stand while the ht dog guy was crying from the spicy flavor of that hotdog.
                    The cute chicken of LooneyBin
                    With wonderful younger sisters:Animal Dragon Chocbubbles
                    Sons: Funja,Isaiah and 2 Tails
                    Daughter: Emo234
                    Proud member of GFARDTO
                    Carrot Explosion Expert
                    I'm CHOCACHOLIC and I like it and if you don't like it that's fine.More chocolate for me


                    • #11
                      As the man with big boots walk down the highway, he suddenly turned around to see that he was followed by a little dog. He called him, and the little animal approached him, but suddenly sat down, and looked at the man.Then the dog ran up and bit the man on the nose. This was a very nonsensicle thing to do because the man knew Ty Chee/Karate and tackled the poor little puppy. What the man didn't know about the dog was rabid. The dog yet again bit him and got away.
                      The man watched the dog to run away from him and wondered why that puppy did such thing. So he decided to get a taco at a taco stand because he was feeling weak from his encounter with that little puppy. Eventually it was his turn to order something, but still full of memories of that dog, he ordered a hotdog instead of a taco. But, as it turned out, the rabies made him crazy and stuffed the hot dog up the hot dog guy's fat nose. The man started screaming and run in circles infrond the taco stand while the ht dog guy was crying from the spicy flavor of that hotdog. A few hours later, after runing in circles, the man ends up in an alley behind a police station. Not wanting to go to jail the man gets up and


                      • #12
                        As the man with big boots walk down the highway, he suddenly turned around to see that he was followed by a little dog. He called him, and the little animal approached him, but suddenly sat down, and looked at the man.Then the dog ran up and bit the man on the nose. This was a very nonsensicle thing to do because the man knew Ty Chee/Karate and tackled the poor little puppy. What the man didn't know about the dog was rabid. The dog yet again bit him and got away.
                        The man watched the dog to run away from him and wondered why that puppy did such thing. So he decided to get a taco at a taco stand because he was feeling weak from his encounter with that little puppy. Eventually it was his turn to order something, but still full of memories of that dog, he ordered a hotdog instead of a taco. But, as it turned out, the rabies made him crazy and stuffed the hot dog up the hot dog guy's fat nose. The man started screaming and run in circles infrond the taco stand while the ht dog guy was crying from the spicy flavor of that hotdog. A few hours later, after runing in circles, the man ends up in an alley behind a police station. Not wanting to go to jail the man gets up and falls down.


                        • #13
                          As the man with big boots walk down the highway, he suddenly turned around to see that he was followed by a little dog. He called him, and the little animal approached him, but suddenly sat down, and looked at the man.Then the dog ran up and bit the man on the nose. This was a very nonsensicle thing to do because the man knew Ty Chee/Karate and tackled the poor little puppy. What the man didn't know about the dog was rabid. The dog yet again bit him and got away.
                          The man watched the dog to run away from him and wondered why that puppy did such thing. So he decided to get a taco at a taco stand because he was feeling weak from his encounter with that little puppy. Eventually it was his turn to order something, but still full of memories of that dog, he ordered a hotdog instead of a taco. But, as it turned out, the rabies made him crazy and stuffed the hot dog up the hot dog guy's fat nose. The man started screaming and run in circles infrond the taco stand while the ht dog guy was crying from the spicy flavor of that hotdog. A few hours later, after runing in circles, the man ends up in an alley behind a police station. Not wanting to go to jail the man gets up and falls down. He couldn't see staight and could barely put two thoughts together so he knew he had to find someone to help him. He starts to get up again and sees
                          Sister Dia <3
                          Elite Member of GFARDTO

                          Why Are YOU Worrying about You-Know-Who?
                          You SHOULD Be Worrying About
                          U-NO-POO -
                          the CONSTIPATION SENSATION That's Gripping the Nation!

                          Why so Serious?


                          • #14
                            As the man with big boots walk down the highway, he suddenly turned around to see that he was followed by a little dog. He called him, and the little animal approached him, but suddenly sat down, and looked at the man.Then the dog ran up and bit the man on the nose. This was a very nonsensicle thing to do because the man knew Ty Chee/Karate and tackled the poor little puppy. What the man didn't know about the dog was rabid. The dog yet again bit him and got away.
                            The man watched the dog to run away from him and wondered why that puppy did such thing. So he decided to get a taco at a taco stand because he was feeling weak from his encounter with that little puppy. Eventually it was his turn to order something, but still full of memories of that dog, he ordered a hotdog instead of a taco. But, as it turned out, the rabies made him crazy and stuffed the hot dog up the hot dog guy's fat nose. The man started screaming and run in circles infrond the taco stand while the ht dog guy was crying from the spicy flavor of that hotdog. A few hours later, after runing in circles, the man ends up in an alley behind a police station. Not wanting to go to jail the man gets up and falls down. He couldn't see staight and could barely put two thoughts together so he knew he had to find someone to help him. He starts to get up again and sees the grim reaper!he ran and ran into a demon which punched he


                            • #15
                              As the man with big boots walk down the highway, he suddenly turned around to see that he was followed by a little dog. He called him, and the little animal approached him, but suddenly sat down, and looked at the man.Then the dog ran up and bit the man on the nose. This was a very nonsensicle thing to do because the man knew Ty Chee/Karate and tackled the poor little puppy. What the man didn't know about the dog was rabid. The dog yet again bit him and got away.
                              The man watched the dog to run away from him and wondered why that puppy did such thing. So he decided to get a taco at a taco stand because he was feeling weak from his encounter with that little puppy. Eventually it was his turn to order something, but still full of memories of that dog, he ordered a hotdog instead of a taco. But, as it turned out, the rabies made him crazy and stuffed the hot dog up the hot dog guy's fat nose. The man started screaming and run in circles infrond the taco stand while the ht dog guy was crying from the spicy flavor of that hotdog. A few hours later, after runing in circles, the man ends up in an alley behind a police station. Not wanting to go to jail the man gets up and falls down. He couldn't see staight and could barely put two thoughts together so he knew he had to find someone to help him. He starts to get up again and sees the grim reaper! he ran and ran into a demon which punched him. So he looks around to realize it was all in his head, he then starts walking down the street towards his apartment building. Along the way he bumps into someone, he helps her get up to realize that she is

