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  • Hangman!

    I don't know if this will work but,we might be able to play hangman on here!
    I will think of a word for you to guess, and you have to think of some constanants and vowels that could be in the word

    • The poster has to give a clue (e.g. the category).
    • The other members (the guessers) suggest one or two letters per post
    • After the poster has replied, and the word hasn't been guessed yet, the same and other players can continue to guess letters.
    • Once a guess has been made and it is right, then the poster who guessed the right word will have to post a new topic within a day.
    • If nobody posts when a day is over then anyone can take a turn.
    • Please note that you can't pass your turn.

    _ _ _ _

    Clue:Its an animal
    Last edited by Adventure; 07-30-2009, 18:45:27. Reason: Modified to the rules once more
    I am a member of GFARDTO
    Supporter of UPMGPC
    And a member of the looney bin!


  • #2
    Let's see if it works. However you should define how the hangman would look like (and develop) and also who will be the person who gives the next word and clue as soon as the word has been figured out.

    My letter:


    • #3
      my letter is l
      put bunny in sig to help him take over the earth!!
      1 To Spread the Virus


      • #4
        Mine: E
        Dream as if you'll Live forever, Live as if you'll Die today

        Ubi Gamershood, Caritas et Amor ibi est

        Member of CST-Experiments team: Science Stable Supervisor !

        With online mom Lilli and sisters EscapeGirl and Doglover!



        • #5
          Mine: S


          • #6
            Live in virtue no desire.
            And in the grave an angels' choir.
            You look to heaven, wonder why.
            No one can see them in the sky.
            Rammstein ~ Engel

            I have a family ^.^,Wiro's my Brother,Crazy's my Mother,Hitman's my Father and Rannei's my Sister!


            • #7
              ermmm slight problem here!! we dnt know if the letters we guess r right or not!!! lol
              Like A Midget Using A Urinal, You're Gonna Have To Stay On Your Toes


              • #8
                Yea, well, that sux. He probably doesnt come on constantly like us. What, its not like we have an addiction. . .
                I'm back, but for how long? Meeting someone from the past is just one of the great parts of life, isn't?

                I Don't Do Crazy, I Perfer Sanity Challenged

                I'm not like crazy people, I just hang out and act like them ^^


                • #9
                  i think i might have an option for solving this problem, the word must be known by about half the people here so they can 'host' the game and the others can try to guess the word, okay?
                  Dream as if you'll Live forever, Live as if you'll Die today

                  Ubi Gamershood, Caritas et Amor ibi est

                  Member of CST-Experiments team: Science Stable Supervisor !

                  With online mom Lilli and sisters EscapeGirl and Doglover!



                  • #10
                    oh hi i'm back, at the moment its: _ ee _

                    And we're not going to use that man thing
                    Last edited by BeanMan3; 08-09-2006, 15:21:18.
                    I am a member of GFARDTO
                    Supporter of UPMGPC
                    And a member of the looney bin!



                    • #11
                      I think I got it: deer?


                      • #12
                        good one mistery u are right!Well done!

                        New one: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

                        Clue:Its a sport
                        I am a member of GFARDTO
                        Supporter of UPMGPC
                        And a member of the looney bin!



                        • #13
                          Thanks :-)
                          And who should give the next word?


                          • #14
                            Hey mistery,i think that only the moderators should make a word,as they come on the most.
                            What say?
                            Or that people can guess the whole word and not individual letters.
                            So the person who originaly put the question can tell who won...

                            lol,i hope u understood , me..
                            Last edited by Mistery; 08-09-2006, 15:31:01. Reason: merged posts
                            If cancer is our love, then I hope you don’t have the technology of chemotherapy.


                            • #15
                              Well i did make the thread,but if i'm offline i'll let the moderators make a word.
                              I am a member of GFARDTO
                              Supporter of UPMGPC
                              And a member of the looney bin!


