I don't know if this will work but,we might be able to play hangman on here!
I will think of a word for you to guess, and you have to think of some constanants and vowels that could be in the word
_ _ _ _
Clue:Its an animal
I will think of a word for you to guess, and you have to think of some constanants and vowels that could be in the word

- The poster has to give a clue (e.g. the category).
- The other members (the guessers) suggest one or two letters per post
- After the poster has replied, and the word hasn't been guessed yet, the same and other players can continue to guess letters.
- Once a guess has been made and it is right, then the poster who guessed the right word will have to post a new topic within a day.
- If nobody posts when a day is over then anyone can take a turn.
- Please note that you can't pass your turn.
_ _ _ _
Clue:Its an animal