I guess you mean this one:
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Help Finding a Game
This is a sticky topic.
@Beasty, I am glad you found the game again.Btw this game isn't submitted at GamersHood yet.
If you like to post it, you can do it here:
Btw it's odd that the link with search results I posted has become an invalid link.Faily of Kzin
Originally posted by beastyAdventure,
For some reason it won't let me post a new game thread, but please feel free to do so for me.
I have to admit I am a tad obsessed with the game now, even tho it is a really simple one (hmm maybe because of that!!)
He who fights and runs away can run away another day.
Help finding a shooting game (please help, i am going crazy here)
A while ago there was a game that i used to like playing but i cant find it now, its a bit like D-fence. The enemy would be coming from the left of the screen and you had to shoot them, but the best part about the game was using something called an 'anti gravity gun' that would make the enemy float away
Can anybody help me find it please, as i am going a little bit crazy trying to think what it was
Can you give a bit more info, like what is the arena, war scene, battle ground, in a building, or something like this? I can think of a couple games that fit this request. ...I'd love to help more.
If you want to look for yourself, All the shooter games can be found HERE.Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
Looney GHer!
All i can remember is that the enemy are coming from the left of the screen and you have to survive until the next round. You can buy upgraded weapons before the next round starts, and i seem to remember the graphics being light blue and white, and the tanks/soldiers being black. I have a strange feeling it was a stickman game too but i might be wrong.
found it
im looking for a game......
itsdefinitly on this site and you play as a japanese cartoon girl and your in an office and you have to do stuff llike paintyour nail but you have o watch out for yourboss.....who can point me in right directionBecky....
The Candle of Hope
Proud Psychic and Crazy Person
Proud Member of the Brimful-Asha and Jenni Pyschic Team !
Hopefully soon to be a Member of The Riddling Gang !
I am the GH Elementor. Controller of the four elements.
Fire - Attack, Srength
Air -Flight, Speed
Earth - Protect , Defense
Water - Freeze, AccuracyBeware of The Fifth Element
I've moved your post here, since we have already this thread where you can ask others to help you to find a game.
Is it this one?
can i please ask u something? has anyone ever played a game where u are a little girl and you have to deliver to every person in the "country" the right object. i think it's a kid game, but i need it for my students. please if anyone can help me?? i remember that i had to deliver a pipe to someone..and there was a goose somewhere.. and the king needed something. i didn't know who to ask and i thought here would be great. please if anyone knows how it's called or where i can find it!! thanks a lot!
for more info, please contact me here:<DELETED EMAIL ID thanks again!Last edited by Eternal Becky; 06-30-2007, 19:51:16. Reason: Please do not give personal information.
Im looking for a game....
ok well i keep thinking its human agebut its not....Its agame whereyoure wellyou...its not a flash where you control it its like yourlving your life through multiple choice questions...your put in everday situaions and have to choose what to do with them.....the last i remeber of the game was i wasan old man and dcided to jon a football team then died of a heart attack ... whoops well you start as a babyand grow up andi really enjoyed it but cant find it anywhere...please help !!Becky....
The Candle of Hope
Proud Psychic and Crazy Person
Proud Member of the Brimful-Asha and Jenni Pyschic Team !
Hopefully soon to be a Member of The Riddling Gang !
I am the GH Elementor. Controller of the four elements.
Fire - Attack, Srength
Air -Flight, Speed
Earth - Protect , Defense
Water - Freeze, AccuracyBeware of The Fifth Element