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Help Finding a Game

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  • Yay! That's it It's my favorite of these kind of games.

    Oh, you start in the grand canyon.


    • Lol, yeah I was unsure because it's not the North Pole, and not an Eskimo, but since I know that sometimes we remember details a bit different, I thought it could be it. Glad I could help, enjoy
      Hehe, and I'm replaying it, too


      • me too (replaying) I remember the shells in the water shooting you back up but forgot about the whales helping as well. My old high score is still recorded. 9136


        • What puzzle game is this?

          There was a puzzle game i used to love playing, i think i played it in 1999, you were a red dot thing (the red dot looks a bit like pacman) and you have to collect all these dot things in the level. and there was these strange square things which held boulders up and if you went through them the boulders would fall down.

          Its not a great description but this is all i can remember from it. I have tried searching in the puzzle games section looking for this game, but i can't find it. If anyone can give me any ideas on what they think the game is, that will be much appreciated.

          Thanks (First Post!!)
          Last edited by Mistery; 05-30-2009, 21:23:44. Reason: Moved to appropriate thread


          • If I have understood your description, then you're talking about a Boulder Dash type game. There are many of them, check out these links:

            Play over 1,800 free online games. offers the best puzzle games, cooking games, dress up games, car racing games, and more. New games every day!

   (list with 22 games)

            I hope this is what you were looking for


            • Trying to find the find the differences game done with twilight/night photographs above a large city scene. Many times the blinking lights would change midway in the scene. It was like looking through a stationary traffic camera with some movement occurring now and then.

              Edit: Found it. Done by the Ivoryboy website.

              Last edited by RBS; 06-10-2009, 19:50:18. Reason: add link


              • After playing Dream House Escape I recalled another game which was unfinished that used the same graphics and rooms. I am pretty sure it was on here at some point, but I don't know if it was kept after discovering it was unfinished. I am curious to replay that version if it is here to see the changes that were made. The game I am referring to was out quite a while ago. Anybody else remember this and what it was called?

                Edit: Found it:


                • looking for a game wer u b a penguin and slide dwn a slope 2 c how far you can fly untill yuo hit the water .. you can buy a glider and a rocket 2 help you along the way .. plz find soon..

                  all the best
                  ~ bigemark
                  put bunny in sig to help him take over the earth!!
                  1 To Spread the Virus


                  • Is it maybe this one?


                    • yesssss! XD ty!!
                      put bunny in sig to help him take over the earth!!
                      1 To Spread the Virus


                      • You're welcome


                        • Brilliant, Cheers Mistery!!!!


                          • You're welcome


                            • A game called Hotel 626 was posted a couple of hours ago, but now I can't find it... Where did it go?


                              • It has been put into moderation for various reasons, and is being reviewed in order to decide whether we can approve it or not. The poster of the game has been informed about this

