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Online Games Chat!

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  • Online Games Chat!

    is there a link 2 another place whit point and click games?
    i`w play all this on this side

  • #2
    Try using google

    has alot of point and clicks
    Do the Dew


    • #3
      Allmost all games are here at gamershood. But here are sites what came up in my brain at the moment.

      And all the blogs. I prefer not to type them, it could take some time. And all the other sites like minjuegos etc. Those are full of games like 'point and click' just it's "impossible" to find anything new

      He who fights and runs away can run away another day.


      • #4
        you can also look at (many of thier games are download only , but theres some good ones such as the Death Star battles, I like that one, they also have many good links), (they have some good links too), has some good games, they don't update often but they have some good links.

        I'm sure you won't have that much spare time between your RL work and this site, but you can check em out at liesure and you should be able to find some newer games.

        The sites I listed won't really have many point and click games, but they have some adventure type games and puzzles too.

        and please try to get more english games, or at least games that have an option in english if they are in a foriegn language. I have nothing against foriegn games, I just enjoy them better when I can read what's bieng said


        • #5
          Originally posted by smjjames
          and please try to get more english games, or at least games that have an option in english if they are in a foriegn language. I have nothing against foriegn games, I just enjoy them better when I can read what's bieng said
          If it's point and click game or escape the room game, then i add that in any event, whatever the language is, because i want to list all "point and click games and escape the room games".
          But with adventure, platform, rpg etc. games i'll try to find English games, so more peolpe understand them
          And thx for the links, thought i already knew them
          Last edited by Vortex; 09-15-2005, 17:00:55. Reason: "couse" doesnt exist. lol

          He who fights and runs away can run away another day.


          • #6
            Originally posted by GamersHood
            If it's point and click game or escape the room game, then i add that in any event, whatever the language is, couse i want to list all "point and click games and escape the room games".
            But with adventure, platform, rpg etc. games i'll try to find English games, so more peolpe understand them
            And thx for the links, thought i already knew them
            1. "couse" is not in the human dictionary.
            2. Nice idea.
            and 3. Im hoping to build my own point and click website.
            Hey there, if you get stuck with anything just send me a message and let me know


            • #7
              Originally posted by Vetnernsweetie
              1. "couse" is not in the human dictionary.
              2. Nice idea.
              and 3. Im hoping to build my own point and click website.
              couse = cause = because

              Good luck with your page

              He who fights and runs away can run away another day.


              • #8
                Thank you.
                Hey there, if you get stuck with anything just send me a message and let me know


                • #9
                  What kind of game do you really like?

                  We are creating new games @ GamerShood. But we need your help.
                  Please tell us which type of game would you really like to play.

                  Thank you.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by drazo
                    We are creating new games @ GamerShood. But we need your help.
                    Please tell us which type of game would you really like to play.

                    Thank you.
                    At gamershood? I don't think so

                    It's not important how do you ask your question. You'll get the same portion of answers

                    He who fights and runs away can run away another day.


                    • #11
                      If anyone wants Games. go play mario
                      Hey there, if you get stuck with anything just send me a message and let me know


                      • #12
                        I like escape the room games.
                        What's cooler than be cool? ICE COLD!!!!!!


                        • #13
                          Pixelated Graphics

                          Hi im a new member by the way

                          Ive just got back into playing the old point and clickers but the problem is the graphics arent as smooth as they were back in the day. Even in DOSbox the graphics are very pixelated, does anyone know if this can be fixed? it tottally ruins the experience


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Icecold
                            I like escape the room games.
                            me too and point and click games, they are sometimes so annoyingly easy , the answer most of the time is right in front of u! lol
                            Reality is an illusion created by lack of alcohol


                            • #15
                              Give me more.

                              Love point n klick games. MAKE SOME MORE!
                              roleplaying?s the best :O

                              Love this page. gamershood own my day.
                              Ignis Fatuus - Carpe Noctem |Sulum Vestri - Ego sum qui sum | ?lva, that?s my name.

