i hate biting hte insides of my mouth...especially when i`m eating something hot....or papercuting mu finger....hurts like hell when i wash the dishes....also hate when during summer i`m walking barefoot in the house and hit my one of my toes on the leg of the table or the bed etc. hurts a lot. in the bedroom we have two wardrobes with a row of cupboards in between them. we have to go under the cupboards in order to go to the other side of the room and i`m too tall for that.sometimes i hit my head on the cupboards.ouch. so that`s pretty much it. lol
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What little injury do you hate the most?
:dogfoot:MY ONLINE FAMILY::dogfoot:
HUBBY: party 4 ever:hug:
Proud MOM of: sweet grafitti ~virgo~:sla:,angel suzy:inc:,sparkling rose zillah0625:rose:,the diggin`themolestarted ;)
BROTHER in-law: Yorick:yayfox:
SISTERS in-law: dia :happyflower: and Mcakkay:happyflower:
:yaya:Please help my little dragon eggs hatch! :yaya:
Originally posted by SimplyCrazy View PostUgh, yeh... And I'm allergic to the little bastards tooSo the bites swell up to huge white spots -.-'
When I use to scratch my bug bites years ago (I have self control now) They use to become infected and discharge liquid EWWW
Also one time a bubble full of the discharged liquid grew on my bite and continued growing until I popped it EWWW
That's probably more then you ever wanted to know about me when it comes to bug bites...
I hate when there's this deep down itch, it seems to be inside your meaty flash, and you can't reach that itch, so you sit down and toil and moan about it, because there isn't much else that you can do.Congratulations. You have wasted 2.555 seconds of your life.
all of the above plus more. i especially hate any pain that you cant do anything about at all.
like the day or two (or three) after my karate club meeting (more than a club really with all the intense training) when EVERYTHING hurts. it hurts to get up or lean forward because my abdomen aches from all the sit ups and stuff. the day after one of my first meetings, my arms were so tired i could barely lift them.
another bad pain i've had was after i got my glasses adjusted so they wouldnt fall off during karate. the stupid lady at lenscrafters adjusted them so horribly that they dug into the back of my ears. i had to wear them for an entire day before i could get them fixed. then the lady who fixed them tried to sell me a new pair of glasses the whole time even though i just got new lenses for them.
sorry if im rambling, i complain a lot.Last edited by super_T; 06-14-2010, 18:14:46.sigpic
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