Yeah, wouldn't be fun at all if people always acted the way we wanted them too. I for one, would be very bored. Although I'm stuck within my own paradox, so far no one has truly impressed me enough to fall in love (thus I AM very bored lol). Anyway as far as I look at other people, girls have the tendency to choose guys who would treat them badly, not value them enough or have them like prizes (why girls do this is beyond my comprehension, it's one of life's greatest mysteries in my opinion. Perhaps it's genetics or something, I don't know)
And if a youngster ever tries to show off in front of his friends and starts insulting me or something along those lines, I scare the hell out of him (I never use violence, though). I'm a pacifist, self-centered, collected guy, but I ain't gonna let a dumb kid mock me in any way. I don't even let adults treat me like a teenager since I'm 15, I've got the brains and the cleverness to back up my maturity.
I know every person is different, but the things I've lived and all the situations I've been through (I'm diabetic, my parents are divorced, and a looooong fruitful etc.) have shown me a lot about life and taught me about responsibility, courage, honesty and pretty much made me a brainiac
And if a youngster ever tries to show off in front of his friends and starts insulting me or something along those lines, I scare the hell out of him (I never use violence, though). I'm a pacifist, self-centered, collected guy, but I ain't gonna let a dumb kid mock me in any way. I don't even let adults treat me like a teenager since I'm 15, I've got the brains and the cleverness to back up my maturity.
I know every person is different, but the things I've lived and all the situations I've been through (I'm diabetic, my parents are divorced, and a looooong fruitful etc.) have shown me a lot about life and taught me about responsibility, courage, honesty and pretty much made me a brainiac
