Meat contains essential amino acids that come from meat only. They are the building blocks of life. I checked the AMA and other similar medical websites and they stated you can live healthy on veg diet providing you take a LOT of vitamin K or you will die. Any diet that requires copious amounts of vitamin K to prevent death can't be a healthy one. I would also like to point out that we are hunters by nature, we were made that way. We're not herbivores or carnivores, we're omnivores. The fact that you eat things that "taste" just like meat proves my point. You crave it. Your body is telling you you need it. It's like when you have small children or are pregnant, the doctor will ask you strange things like do you eat paint chips or ashes. Each strange thing you eat or crave means something in particular is missing from your diet like iron etc. From my medical classes I have learned that you only need 4 oz of meat per day. That's about what you get in a happy meal. Not a whole lot. Don't eat meat with every meal and don't eat a lot of red meat. I like the asian way of thinking, meat is a side dish, not a main dish. They say americans stink of meat, that's because they eat far too much of it.
**I found here a post from somebody on another site, I really like his point of view and totally agree with it. Keep in mind he's french speaking so don't let the bad grammar and typos throw you off.
**I found here a post from somebody on another site, I really like his point of view and totally agree with it. Keep in mind he's french speaking so don't let the bad grammar and typos throw you off.