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Aliens and Ufos

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  • Aliens and Ufos

    This is very unexplained stuff.

    You can tell us Ufo sighting or your stories about you seeing aliens.
    GH's Gaomon Fanboy from Boston, MA!

  • #2
    Well, the only alien I've EVER seen has been

    Nah, I'm afraid I have no experiences regarding aliens. Only had a few paranormal experiences regarding possible "ghosts." However, I don't believe that in a universe as vast as ours, and as unexplored as ours, that we are the only life. Could be anything from something like a bacteria on another planet, to life more intelligent than ours. I believe the universe has many secrets - this being one of them. I don't claim to know...but I sure would find it interesting to find out.


    • #3
      4 years ago, I saw an UFO in Turkey... Not only me everyone in Turkey saw it... It was very weird. I think you can find it in youtube. Write 'UFO Turkey' to youtube and you can watch it...
      GALATASARAY Turkey



      • #4
        Originally posted by EscapeGirl View Post
        Well, the only alien I've EVER seen has been

        Nah, I'm afraid I have no experiences regarding aliens. Only had a few paranormal experiences regarding possible "ghosts." However, I don't believe that in a universe as vast as ours, and as unexplored as ours, that we are the only life. Could be anything from something like a bacteria on another planet, to life more intelligent than ours. I believe the universe has many secrets - this being one of them. I don't claim to know...but I sure would find it interesting to find out.
        I believe there is Life out there.It's very unexplored and we need new tech.
        Originally posted by kaankanat View Post
        4 years ago, I saw an UFO in Turkey... Not only me everyone in Turkey saw it... It was very weird. I think you can find it in youtube. Write 'UFO Turkey' to youtube and you can watch it...
        I witnessed tons of UFOs.
        GH's Gaomon Fanboy from Boston, MA!


        • #5
          With so many cell phone cameras in the world I am hoping the undisputable evidence will show itself.

          I don't know how we will react. Personally if I saw one I doubt I would be offering Reese's Pieces. Probably ask if they brought any clean underwear in my size.


          • #6
            Originally posted by kaankanat View Post
            4 years ago, I saw an UFO in Turkey... Not only me everyone in Turkey saw it... It was very weird. I think you can find it in youtube. Write 'UFO Turkey' to youtube and you can watch it...
            I will have to check it out and see if I can find a video of it.

            I do always wonder how much of the "visits" we have are just government creations, and how much of it is real. I wouldn't be surprised if they're real, I just mean, I bet some of the sightings are false, too. Not that the people don't see them, just that it might be government's technology that the public doesn't know about. *shrugs* Who knows. But I will definitely check it out.

            Here's a link for anyone interested.


            EDIT: Oh, this one was in 2007. Was your sighting a different one?

            Originally posted by RBS View Post
            With so many cell phone cameras in the world I am hoping the undisputable evidence will show itself.

            I don't know how we will react. Personally if I saw one I doubt I would be offering Reese's Pieces. Probably ask if they brought any clean underwear in my size.
            LOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!! I can see why you might as them that!! rofl-smilie:


            • #7
              Originally posted by EscapeGirl View Post

              Here's a link for anyone interested.


              EDIT: Oh, this one was in 2007. Was your sighting a different one?
              Here you have a video of the same object but then made in 2008.
              Sorry, we couldn’t find that page

              Edit: You have a bunch of videos of this object, all on different dates, but all shot in Istanbul Kumburgaz.
              Faily of Kzin



              • #8
                @Adventure....Hmm......Very interesting. Me thinks our videos we just found are fakes. (Not saying that to offend anyone.)


                • #9
                  Yes, I too think, whatever it is, it aren't alien ufos.

                  here's another one, with a bit of info
                  Faily of Kzin



                  • #10
                    IT could be.
                    GH's Gaomon Fanboy from Boston, MA!


                    • #11
                      I guess they can be real. My mom's friend saw one! Only it was light reflecting off the computer. My mom told her that and her friend said "thanks for ruining the aliens". I love that story. Funny to think that life on other planets is coming over to see US and people who see them are called crazy, yet at the same time we go to see THEM and they're screaming "Ahhh! Human!" To the alien mental hospital with them! UFO's are real. Anything unidentified that is flying is a UFO. I saw one of those. Then it became an IFO(identified flying object). It was spagetti.

                      Can't go anywhere if I don't have my skateboard. sigpic


                      • #12
                        SETI is working on it.The contact of Aliens to earth is very slim. Maybe they might pick up some of our radio signals. But then, internet radio will take over, and earth may not send Radiowaves anymore...
                        And soon, Other intelligent life will discover that there really IS NO intelligent life on earth.
                        Please, please. Stop the applause. I got this from some book, and I absolutely take no credit for anything, except publicating it...


                        • #13
                          I've never seen a UFO but I agree that there is probably life somewhere on another planet. It might be something that looks perfectly normal, not neccesarily the wierd type with no clothes and big hjeads and tentacles and stuff, we don't now what could be living on another planets, theres millions of them and millions of galaxies. There could be hundreds of places jsut like Earth. I would love to meet some living thing from another planet and see what aliens are really like. If you think about it we're aliens too, to those living thingies (if there are any) that are anywhere else. They probably talk about us the way we do and if on places like Mars for example there are living things they might get terrified if when we show up. Poor buggy things

                          EDITNESS: Come to think of it I might have seen alieny stuff. It was definitley unidentified. There was something that looks a little like an aeroplane but it was smaller and rounder and it had these small red lights flashing on it. It was quite far away and I thought it was jsut a jet or something but then I was watching it and it kept flying round in circles it didn't leave. It spent about two hours going round in a huge circle and wouldn't go away and whenever it got close it had a strange hummingish noise, ok it was quiet cos it was far away and it could have been anything but it definitley wasn't a plane
                          Last edited by ChaChaChaz; 05-05-2010, 10:34:21.
                          Birds are very unique animals... They're the only animals with white poo!!
                          :bee: :chicken: :wc:

                          Don't hate your family for embarassing you, it's their job!!!!
                          :git: :ven: :wcj: :sla: :wee: :S

