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Strange Facts

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  • #46
    amen to dat

    here's a weird fact: We (being humans) are slowly losing our pinky toes each genration

    Fish food is made from other fish

    people (generally speaking) are greedy ba$terd$ who care more about them selves than the enviorment

    and our mental stae is composed of the id, the ego, and the superego.
    "When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car"

    Everytime someone angers me I go down to the panama canal and dig a lock.

    If everyone is diffrent wouldn't that mean everyone is the same but if we are all diffrent then how can we be the same?

    Elite Specops Swordmaster of GFARDTO


    • #47
      What'd I do for Time Travel

      Going back to time travel, I'd like to go back to....oh, April? No March, and have Becky move to the United States so she can attend school without having to join the military.
      Oh, and any member of the Isreali military who might see this, this is for you.

      Don't forget you are awesome.


      • #48
        I know this is not that weird,but:

        "Rats live on no evil star" reads forwards and backwards.

        Chewing gum while slicing a onion will not make you cry.

        Orange AND silver aren't rhyming words.
        Locked in the Gamershood Hotel

        Online Family: Swim Girl (mom) Someguy (dad)

        Forever alone.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Gameguy49
          I know this is not that weird,but:

          "Rats live on no evil star" reads forwards and backwards.

          Chewing gum while slicing a onion will not make you cry.

          Orange AND silver aren't rhyming words.
          Neither is purple.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Hitman
            Well, yeah... I checked YouTube and I saw a realy good vid. A Guy expleined the Philadelphia Experment, how it went wrong
            You can hear about it here

            haha one of the comments:
            "I have also traveled through time. Here's how you can too. First grab a chair. Second sit down. Third wait. You are traveling forward in time one second per second. WOW."

            haha..I thought it was funny..
            Sister Dia <3
            Elite Member of GFARDTO

            Why Are YOU Worrying about You-Know-Who?
            You SHOULD Be Worrying About
            U-NO-POO -
            the CONSTIPATION SENSATION That's Gripping the Nation!

            Why so Serious?


            • #51
              Originally posted by Mcakkay
              haha one of the comments:
              "I have also traveled through time. Here's how you can too. First grab a chair. Second sit down. Third wait. You are traveling forward in time one second per second. WOW."

              haha..I thought it was funny..
              Happy endings are just unfinished stories...


              Elite member of the Looney Bin with ex wife "SimplyCrazy" and on-line kids "Wirodeu, Bread ...and Rannei"



              • #52

                The Power of Subconscious

                In order to make more money, we need to first understand the essence of money itself. Would you agree? I believe that money is matter not just pieces of paper or coins. Since it is physical matter, it should be handled according to principles of physics.

                In physics, there's a law which states that any force in the universe has an equal and opposite counterpart.

                If an object is applied force of equal magnitude from opposite directions, the object remains still. On the other hand, if one force is larger than the other, the object moves. Remember that money is matter. If you have a lot of money, it can be imagined that you are the stronger force between money and you. If you are often short of money, the opposite is the case.

                So, I assume that your question for me now is how to strengthen the attracting force and weaken the repelling force. Correct?

                The material world is created by thoughts. We are the results of our thoughts.

                Everything starts with a thought. The clearer the thought and the image in your mind, the faster the goal is achieved.

                When we have clearly defined our thoughts, resources come to us automatically. Our thoughts are divided into 2 parts - the conscious and the subconscious. The power of the subconscious mind is 30,000 times greater than the conscious mind. We should strive to stimulate our subconscious mind.

                Our subconscious constructs anything we wish for into a perceived reality. The subconscious mind cannot distinguish between something real or vividly imagine. Once it perceives something as "real", it eventually becomes real. As long as the image perceived by the subconscious mind is clear, our mind immediately attempts to turn this image into reality. As soon as it is provided an image, the subconscious mind works to materialize it.

                Everything in our daily lives is the reflection of our subconscious minds.

                The thoughts and beliefs in your subconscious mind have made you who you are. If you want to alter your future path, you first need to alter your subconscious mind.

                Remember that your life is the reflection of your subconscious mind. As soon as your subconscious thinking changes, your life changes with it. Your thoughts once get into your subconscious, decide your future. How do you enrich your subconscious mind, and thereby attract even greater wealth?

                You must first have a dream board, and put your dreams onto it. Look at them daily until the goals are achieved. In the past, I have tried put photos of a Toyota, and then Mercedes, Porsche, Ferrari, and finally Rolls Royce. Believe it or not, every car was eventually realized. It's just simply amazing; you must give it a try.

                The second step is constantly telling your subconscious that you are getting richer and richer. Remind yourself all the time setting up in the morning, before going to sleep, even in the bathroom, and whenever there is a blank moment in your mind. The most important key is repetition. Every time you affirm your goals is like a turn of the wheel. The more you affirm, the more frequently the wheel is turned, the farther you go, and the faster the goal is achieved. I once made an audio tape of my goal, and

                Repeatedly played it as a reminder. Within 6 months, my monthly income increased from US 17,000 to US170, 000, it's incredible. Many sales people whom I have trained asked me how to improve their sales. Their sales results, I answered, were the manifestation of their subconscious minds.

                First of all, they would need to create a dream board. Secondly, look at the dream board constantly and repeatedly. I ask them that, if they read and look at their goals for 20 years, would they achieve their goals? They all say yes. So achieving goal is not a problem, the only question is time, and the diligence of the individuals of how many times they're willing to repeat and affirm.

                The misfortune of a person is likewise the result of his/her subconscious beliefs.

                All occurrences in our surroundings are the manifestations of our subconscious thoughts. We need to implant the desire for wealth deep in our subconscious, and let the power of the subconscious mind to realize our dreams. It is easy to incorporate images, words, and thoughts into your subconscious mind, as long as they are repeated frequently enough.

                Upon waking up and going to sleep, you must fill your mind with thoughts of success and wealth. You must constantly remind yourself that you are becoming richer, your income continues to grow, and your savings are piling up. You must affirm to yourself the goals you have set, over and over again. The late giant of the steel industry Carnegie used to affirm his goals more than 1000 times a day. How about you?

                Generally speaking, thirty days are required for the ideas to be fully incorporated into the subconscious. The more frequently you affirm your goals to yourself, the more receptive your subconscious mind is. Remember, however, that constant reinforcement is crucial even after the goals have been incorporated in the subconscious mind, otherwise the effects can decline quickly just like the atrophy of muscles. The training of the subconscious is the same as that of the mental muscles.

                A person's words and thoughts are intimately associated. If you change the way you speak, your thinking changes as well. Never let negative thoughts out as words. Rather, always speak good things about yourself and others.

                Remember always to continue earning money, continue giving back to the society, keep learning and helping others. Conrad Hilton, the hotel giant, once said that the secret of life is not what you own, but what you give.

                You can do it!
                Happy endings are just unfinished stories...


                Elite member of the Looney Bin with ex wife "SimplyCrazy" and on-line kids "Wirodeu, Bread ...and Rannei"



                • #53
                  World Trade Center UFO

                  Read about it here.
                  Happy endings are just unfinished stories...


                  Elite member of the Looney Bin with ex wife "SimplyCrazy" and on-line kids "Wirodeu, Bread ...and Rannei"



                  • #54
                    Fact: this thread will die when people make crap up.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by someguy View Post
                      Fact: this thread will die when people make crap up.
                      I'm not really sure what you meant with that?
                      Happy endings are just unfinished stories...


                      Elite member of the Looney Bin with ex wife "SimplyCrazy" and on-line kids "Wirodeu, Bread ...and Rannei"



                      • #56
                        Do we only write real strange facts or we can write our own ideas and humor it??/
                        The cute chicken of LooneyBin
                        With wonderful younger sisters:Animal Dragon Chocbubbles
                        Sons: Funja,Isaiah and 2 Tails
                        Daughter: Emo234
                        Proud member of GFARDTO
                        Carrot Explosion Expert
                        I'm CHOCACHOLIC and I like it and if you don't like it that's fine.More chocolate for me


                        • #57
                          Real strange facts
                          Last edited by Heartofthedark; 02-09-2009, 16:53:26.


                          • #58
                            Erm... strange fact...strange facts...let me get back to you - I know that I know loads of them but you know when you physically try to think of one you go watch this space

                            I think I can I think I can

                            I knew I was wrong


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by ORIGINALSIN View Post
                              Erm... strange fact...strange facts...let me get back to you - I know that I know loads of them but you know when you physically try to think of one you go watch this space
                              I understand you! That happens to me all the time! Okay, take your time...

                              Heart is right. It's about real facts but if you want, you can post some humour.
                              Happy endings are just unfinished stories...


                              Elite member of the Looney Bin with ex wife "SimplyCrazy" and on-line kids "Wirodeu, Bread ...and Rannei"



                              • #60
                                I think this thread should deserve a chance so...

                                Happy endings are just unfinished stories...


                                Elite member of the Looney Bin with ex wife "SimplyCrazy" and on-line kids "Wirodeu, Bread ...and Rannei"


