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  • C.m.o.n.s.

    hi fellas,

    i am desperately trying to find out what kinda movie is shown in this ( trailer, didn't find anything yet though!

    if you could take a minute to help me out it would be much appreciate it... it looks like some disney/pixar animated movie, the trailer is pretty well done

  • #2
    that doesnt look very disney like!!
    nor does it look like a movie trailer and just an internet video advertising sum website!!
    but it was pretty funi!!! lol
    Like A Midget Using A Urinal, You're Gonna Have To Stay On Your Toes


    • #3
      No, this isn't a movie. The C.M.O.N.S seems to be a band from Barcelona. The animations are some kind of funny commercial/street art. You can take a look at the official site:
      General Motors is home to Buick, Cadillac, GMC & Chevrolet. Learn about General Motor's rich history and dedication to community, sustainability, & innovation.


      • #4
        lol that was funny and weird lol
        A single arrow is easily broken, but not ten in a bundle
        Newly made sig.
        My theme song. o.o
        My art gallery.
        Avvy by the wonderfully talented artist Luke Chueh


        • #5
          There's no one like Catalans... I can't wait to visit Barcelona.
          Catnappin' up n down dis piece

