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Kingdom Hearts Chronicles

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  • Kingdom Hearts Chronicles

    very funny clip with the charecters from kingdom hearts
    The unknown secrets of kingdom hearts
    hope everyone likes it

    part 2 of the kingdom hearts series.
    this is where goofy and donald come in
    ( If you dont understand, dont ask.)
    sora arrives in traverse town.
    funnier than the last!

    Vaadake YouTube'is huvitavaid videoid, nautige head muusikat, laadige üles originaalsisu ning jagage seda kõike oma sõprade, perekonna ja kogu maailmaga

    the third and final episode
    will sora defeat the darkness?
    where is kairi?
    Can sora possibly get any dumber?
    funniest in the series.

    Last edited by Kzin; 06-10-2015, 10:08:56. Reason: updated links
    I am a senior junior officer of the GFARDTO

    And a full-time patient of the

    The jokester of gamershood.
    Why arn't you laughing!?

    If you are what you eat, then im a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. Weird.

  • #2
    these arent games.


    • #3
      Again not a GAME!.. jus plain weird..
      Im a proud Mummy to my gorgeous son Jack born 24/08/2008!!


      • #4
        Ok, it was a mistake
        its not in the games section anymore
        thanks for the help, becky
        Last edited by cant touch this; 09-12-2006, 22:40:13.
        I am a senior junior officer of the GFARDTO

        And a full-time patient of the
        GH LOONY BIN

        The jokester of gamershood.
        Why arn't you laughing!?

        If you are what you eat, then im a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. Weird.


        • #5
          omg lmfao that is hilarious

          Gamershood'ing for 22 months.


          • #6
            Ahhahah I Lovelovelove Kingdom hearts!! three was the best!!! Ahaha
            Last edited by Mcakkay; 02-12-2007, 01:05:26.
            Sister Dia <3
            Elite Member of GFARDTO

            Why Are YOU Worrying about You-Know-Who?
            You SHOULD Be Worrying About
            U-NO-POO -
            the CONSTIPATION SENSATION That's Gripping the Nation!

            Why so Serious?


            • #7

              There are no games here.
              Why, do you like me? I do hope you like me. Beacuse I do like you. I hope you like Mr or Mrs. something. Or are you scared of me or are you THE LOSER?? Are you?? I really want to know.


              • #8
                Champgirl, When I first became a member, I posted this thread in the "New Games" Section.
                I am a senior junior officer of the GFARDTO

                And a full-time patient of the
                GH LOONY BIN

                The jokester of gamershood.
                Why arn't you laughing!?

                If you are what you eat, then im a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. Weird.


                • #9
                  looks like someone moved it on you cant touch this
                  I AM A MEMBER OF THE Looney Bin

                  "Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemys first law of Equivalent Exchange.
                  play a scary game

                  mysterys games


                  • #10
                    this is so halarious! sora is so stupid
                    If you want to rebel against your parents, outlive them, outearn them, and know more than they do. -Henry Rollins

                    If anybody has the ole Xbox Live, be sure to add me: ArchaicBread


                    • #11
                      Not as funny as the Halo ones but still worth watching
                      Happy endings are just unfinished stories...


                      Elite member of the Looney Bin with ex wife "SimplyCrazy" and on-line kids "Wirodeu, Bread ...and Rannei"



                      • #12
                        Kingdom Hearts Chronicles

                        If its Kingdom hearts, I want it. But not 358/2 days because that was kind of a lame side story.


                        • #13
                          I'm trying to remember who made this particular animation. The art style and the voices are very familiar, but the name(s) is/are not coming to me.

