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Announcements of Game Design Competitions

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  • Announcements of Game Design Competitions

    Jay Is Games has launched the 3rd Flash Game Design Competition!

    As you know, we have got some very nice games from the first and second competition (e.g. Gateway I and II, Free the Bird, Clack, Thief, Grow the Robot, and many more).

    Deadline for entries:
    Sunday, July 15, 2007 at 11:59PM (GMT-4:00).

    You can either submit a game that meets the criteria, or as game player, look forward to the competition entries, and vote for your favorite as soon as the voting is open. Check the this link to learn more:

  • #2
    Adventure Maker Game Contest:

    The game has to be in a sleazy hotel and has to have a dog in it some place. It must have a story/plot.
    The game must be in English. It can be a first person or third person game.
    Max. game size 50 MB.
    The 3 winners get prizes!

    Deadline for entries:
    September 31 2007 (new deadline!)

    Please read more about it here:
    Last edited by Mistery; 08-09-2007, 06:03:55.


    • #3
      CMSBox - Contests

      Theme Design Contest
      First Prize: A Nintendo Wii, or $250 of videogames.
      Second Prize: One videogame for the console of your choice.

      The CMSBox admin panel allows users to edit the CSS controlling the layout of their arcade. We want you to do something amazing with it. But it's ok if you just change the colours and put up a pretty banner. The winner will be the entrant who designs the best theme for their arcade, as judged by the CMSBox staff.

      Game Design Contest
      First Prize: A Nintendo Wii, or $250 in videogames.
      Second Prize: One videogame for the console of your choice.

      There's lots of great games already available online. We want there to be even more! Create a Flash game of your own for a chance to win. The winner will be the entrant who creates the most entertaining game, as judged by the CMSBox staff. We'll be taking into account the originality and gameplay value of the game, as well as its popularity on your arcade.

      Please note that to enter either contest you will need a CMSBox site of your own (Register at

      Deadline for entries:
      September 30, 2007

      Read about the details here:


      • #4
        Independent Games Festival

        10th Annual Independent Games Festival

        The Main Competition is open to all independent game developers to submit their games - whether it be on PC, Mac, console digital download, Web browser, or other more exotic formats.

        The Student Competition will award the best student games, and this year will also include student 'mods' to existing games.

        Deadline for entries:
        October 1st, 2007 - Main Competition
        October 15th, 2007 - Student Competition

        General Info
        General Rules
        Rules Student Competition


        • #5
          Game Development Competition

          GarageGames and are sponsoring the first ever Game Development Competition.

          Games can be submitted to different categories (RPG, Strategy, Adventure, Platform, Puzzle, 3d Game, Portable Game, Other), but only one game per person/team.

          Topic: Comedy

          Grand Prize winner: Complete Torque Suite
          Winners of each category: Torque Game Engine

          Deadline: 18th September [11:59pm GMT - 6:00]

          Further detailed information can be found here:


          • #6
            Jay Is Games has launched the 4rd Flash Game Design Competition, this time in co-operation with Sierra Online!

            As you know, we got some very nice games from the previous competitions (e.g. Gateway I and II, Free the Bird, Clack, Thief, Grow the Robot, A Bark In the Dark, Gimme Friction and many more).

            You can either submit a game that meets the criteria, or as game player, look forward to the competition entries, and vote for your favorite as soon as the voting is open.

            Topic: BALL PHYSICS

            1st place: $2,500, (1) Adobe Flash CS3 Professional license
            2nd place: $1000, (1) Adobe Flash CS3 Professional license
            3rd place: $500
            Best use of competition theme: $500, (1) Nintendo Wii* - (*subject to availability.
            Audience award: as before, determined by JIG community popular vote and worth at least $200.

            Deadline for entries:
            Monday, October 1st, 2007 at 11:59PM (GMT-4:00)

            Check the this link to learn more:


            • #7
              Armor Gaming Challenge #6 in cooperation with Newgrounds

              1. Main Contest:

              Make a new unique flash game!

              There is no specific topic given.

              1st Place $5,000
              2nd Place $3,000
              3rd Place $2,000
              4th Place $1,500
              5th Place $750

              September 1st, 2007 - December 31st, 2007

              2. Halloween Contest:

              Halloween Legends!!! (Que scary music)

              1st - 3rd Place $1,000 each

              October 25th, 2007

              3. ThanksGiving Contest:

              Pilgrims and Indians

              1st - 3rd Place $1,000 each

              November 15th, 2007

              4. Christmas Contest:

              Reindeer Games or Santas Workshop

              1st - 3rd Place $1,000 each

              December 20th, 2007


              Plus there are different extra prizes for each contest.

              Please read more details here:
              Contest Rules and Game Guidelines


              • #8
                Caiman Car Contest 2007
                For Game Creators

                Topic: Cars

                FIRST PRIZE = $500
                Second prize = $400
                Third prize = $300
                4th prize = $200
                5th prize = $150
                6th prize = $120
                7th prize = $100
                8th prize = $80
                9th till 20th prize (12 prizes) = $50 each

                Deadline for entries:
                20 February 2008

                Check this link to learn more details:


                • #9
                  3rd Adventure Maker Game Contest

                  You can choose one of the following topics:
                  1) Frozen
                  2) Snowball Effect
                  You are free to use any title for your game, and also to interpret the topic that you choose in your own way. However, for the jury and other players it MUST be obvious that one of the topics determines the storyline.

                  Further criteria:
                  The game must be created with AM (any version; also free version)
                  The game can be 1st person or 3rd person
                  Teams are allowed (however there is only 1 prize for the team)
                  You need to announce your participation at the AM forums
                  Only games for Windows or iPhone / iPod touch (no PSP)
                  PG rated (can have blood, dead bodies etc., but no nudity)
                  Max. size: 50 MB
                  Language: English

                  January 31 2008

                  1st prize: full version of AM (commercial licence)
                  2nd prize: full version of AM (non-commercial licence)

                  Click here for further information!


                  • #10
                    Flash Game Design Competition #5

                    Flash Game Design Competition #5 at

                    You are free to interpret that any way you choose.

                    * 1st place:
                    o $3,500
                    o (1) Adobe Flash CS3 Professional license
                    * 2nd place:
                    o $1,750
                    o (1) Adobe Flash CS3 Professional license
                    * 3rd place:
                    o $1,000
                    o (1) Adobe Flash CS3 Professional license
                    * Best use of competition theme:
                    o $1,000
                    * Viral award:
                    o $1,000 - most game views as determined by Mochi Media's MochiBot statistics for the 3-week competition judging period.
                    * Audience award:
                    o $500 - determined by JIG community popular vote.

                    Monday, March 3rd, 2008 at 11:59PM (GMT-5:00).

                    Please read the full announcement and further details here:


                    • #11
                      DizzyAGE Easter Competition 2008

                      DizzyAGE Easter Competition 2008 has started!

                      This year, join the adventure by making your own Dizzy game and you'll be amongst the winners!
                      Come to the official DizzyAGE website and take part of the events: see what games are in,
                      join them in the competition, or be a sponsor and offer prizes for the winners!

                      For details, visit the official DizzyAGE website:
                      Create and play Dizzy fan-made games.

                      Or directly the competition page:

                      Feel dizzy? Clear it up with a look at the DizzyAGE books:

                      And if you feel like talking, come on the Yolkfolk Community forums:

                      Every egg has a chance!

                      And the latest news:

                      The Oliver Twins have a special prize for the top three winners of the competition.
                      Check it out in the competition prizes page!
                      DizzyAGE - free tool for creating classic Dizzy adventure games.
                      Last edited by Mistery; 02-27-2008, 17:23:15. Reason: merged posts, use the edit button instead of double posting


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Mistery View Post
                        Flash Game Design Competition #5 at

                        You are free to interpret that any way you choose.

                        * 1st place:
                        o $3,500
                        o (1) Adobe Flash CS3 Professional license
                        * 2nd place:
                        o $1,750
                        o (1) Adobe Flash CS3 Professional license
                        * 3rd place:
                        o $1,000
                        o (1) Adobe Flash CS3 Professional license
                        * Best use of competition theme:
                        o $1,000
                        * Viral award:
                        o $1,000 - most game views as determined by Mochi Media's MochiBot statistics for the 3-week competition judging period.
                        * Audience award:
                        o $500 - determined by JIG community popular vote.

                        Monday, March 3rd, 2008 at 11:59PM (GMT-5:00).

                        Please read the full announcement and further details here:
                        The deadline has been extended almost 2 weeks to March 16, 2008!


                        "The deadline for CGDC5 has come and gone, and the entries are in.

                        Looking over the 25 entries we have so far, although impressed, we think we could be a bit more impressed. Some of the entries need a couple more coats of polish, and many of you wished you had more time to finish up and get your entries in.

                        The judges and sponsors have talked it over, and we have decided to allow a bit more development time by extending the competition deadline by almost 2 weeks.

                        New deadline: Sunday, March 16, 2008 11:59PM (GMT-4:00)

                        Remember, the theme of the competition is UPGRADE, so let's upgrade those entries with some polish. See you on the 16th!"


                        • #13
                          YoYo Games competition

                          YoYo Games competition (Game Maker community)

                          Ancient Civilization

                          April 27th, 2008

                          The Winner $1000
                          Second $500
                          Third $250

                          Please read more information and the rules here:
                          Make a game with GameMaker, the best free video game engine. Perfect for beginners and professionals. Learn to build your own 2D indie games with our simple tutorials.


                          • #14
                            FlashGameLicense and are teaming up to offer Flash developers worldwide over $20,000 in prizes for the best games using the MeezInside Avatar API.

                            The game must be built for the Flash 8 or Flash 9 player using Actionscript 2.0 or Actionscript 3.0.

                            You may enter as many games as you like.

                            All entries must be submitted by September 7th, 11:59PM, PST.

                            Grand Prize: $10,000
                            Second Place: $5,000
                            Third Place: $2,500
                            +5 Honorable Mention Prizes: $1000 each

                            Read about the details and further criteria here:


                            • #15
                              Adventure Maker Game Design Contest 2008/09

                              Adventure Maker Game Design Contest 2008/09

                              You can choose one of the following topics:
                              1) A journey
                              2) A fateful day

                              Further criteria:
                              The game must be created with AM (any version)
                              Only games for Windows; iPhone / iPod touch; HTML (no PSP)
                              The game can be 1st person or 3rd person
                              Teams are allowed (however there is only 1 prize for the team)
                              You must announce your participation in the contest thread
                              PG rated (can have blood, dead bodies etc., but no nudity)
                              Max. size: 50 MB
                              Language: English

                              January 31 2009.


                              1st prize: full version of AM (commercial licence)
                              2nd prize: full version of AM (non-commercial licence); or upgrade from non-commercial to commercial if you have the non-commercial license already
                              3d prize: Agatha Christie Murder On The Orient Express Game From The Adventure Company) it came with a book but I opened it and took the book out to save on shipping ) I will pay for shipping in the US but will ship anywhere if you help with shipping cost.( Candle)
                              4th prize: 30 days of free downloading from ( Candle)

                              For further details and updates, please check this thread in the official Adventure Maker Forums.

