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    I WAN'T TO MAKE A PLATFOrm/shooting game with game make but I'm having trouble I read the stuff in the help page but that didn't help and is there any way I can make a game where you can unlock characters or do I need another program?And can I make a multiplayer mode with Game Maker or do I need another program for that to? If there's a program where you can make it so there is a multiplayer mode and you make it so can unlock characters can anyone post a link to that?

    I Need HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP:ther damncpu:?:
    My computer sucks:pcsmasher:damncpu:

    Hater of bad hardware:lam:

    Living to destroy all games:pacmanSMILE::ghosta::ghostb::bouncie-smilie::spin::group-hug:

    Has trouble making decisions:daz::light::inc::adr:

    *xD*Science Rules*xD*

    Member of the Science clud (I wish)*xD*:o:cash::ven::sonic-smilie:

    Want more games? Here is my website

  • #2
    I have no experience with Game Maker.
    But I would recommend you to check their forums, and to look at the tutorials there, and read the topics in the forums to see if it's possible to make such a game with this software.



    • #3
      Well, I dunno anything about Game Maker but I know AM is not really designed to make platform games all though I can think of a way to... uh... ALMOST do it . The program is practical if you are not inclined to learn computer scripting. I would think that you do need another program. Here is a tutorial to designing a platform game
      Understand the basics of a platform game by deconstructing a simple example.

      But this tutorial requires some computer skill.

      I have found this program that seems to be a free download and might be of some use but I have not tested it myself:
      Checkout the full domain details of Click Buy Now to instantly start the transaction or Make an offer to the seller!

      There is a forum for this program here
      Checkout the full domain details of Click Buy Now to instantly start the transaction or Make an offer to the seller!

      I hope this answers your question somewhat

      STILL struddling


      PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


      • #4
        This seems to be an FPS creator that doesn't need coding:

        However, the full version is not free.

        The Sauerbraten engine is a free game engine to create single and multiplayer FPS games, but it needs also scripting:

        And you can check this list of game creation tools:

