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Alagaesia Adventure Game

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  • #31

    Thanks to Xara for the walkthrough, I just added in what commands to type in, as some people don't know what to use.


    • #32
      Originally posted by lionette View Post
      really good game
      I loved the books aswell!
      I'm looking forward to the third one.
      Anyone know when it comes out?
      It comes out September 20, 2008, and there will also be a fourth book, becuase Paolini couldn't fit the entire story into one book, so he split the last book into two.


      • #33
        Wikipedia, Book 4 (Inheritance Cycle)


        • #34
          I need to know how to get past the maze in the alagaesia adventure quest??


          • #35
            Based to that theory, almost all fantasy books are copies of each other. Dwarves wouldn't be dwarves, if they were as tall as humans and so on. Elves wouldn't be elves, if they were not nature-loving and bit mysterious. That is just how these almost-humans are. Many fantasy books are based to the same story - there is something odd going on and somebody goes and faces the evil and blah blah blah. There is evil guys running all over the countries and killing people, everybody is like "Omg!", and when all things turn almost happy the "higher form" guys appear and the war goes on and on and on... Someone betrays someone else, somebody saves good guys by joining the war bit late... All these things are normal in fantasy books.

            I won't say that there would be no copying at all, and Christopher Paolini would be like the god to me, because I also love LOTR, as well as I love many many other fantasy books, including Eragon and the other book (don't know the name in english, sorry :'D).

            So, don't take my babbling too seriously, ok? I'm not talking directly to someone, just bringing up my own thoughts about these things.

            //Btw, sorry about the spelling mistakes. I don't speak english as my native language, so my writing isn't perfect. And it's night at here, so it also makes my spelling worse.


            • #36
              Stuck on fungus and crystal part

              Originally posted by Xara View Post
              Just press hint and the in game guide for that will help you right out. Let me know if you need more help.
              Hi Xara, I need help when you are at Angela and the crystals and the fungus. I can't find out what to do because I keep puting the crystal in the jar but that won't work. It's saying that the crystal can be put up to my eye but that's not working! Reply to me as soon as possible PLZ!

