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Learn To Fly

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  • Learn To Fly

    Make the penguin fly through increasing levels of difficulty. WARNING - Extremely Addictive!!!

    One Penguin Takes it personally when he is surfing the web and stumbles upon a web site telling him that he cant fly, after that he sets his mind to research and practice flying until he can prove the world that he can.. Learn to Fly! Tips: Glider: Each Glider has a

  • #2
    I just cannot top 5000 feet.


    • #3
      such a cute game! fly penguin flyy! lol

      I'm just a girl, Take a good look at me. Just your typical prototype
      I'm just a girl, what's my destiny? What I've succumbed to Is making me numb
      I'm just a girl, my apologies. What I've become is so burdensome
      I'm just a girl, lucky me. Twiddle-dum there's no comparison.
      I'm just a girl, living in captivity. Your rule of thumb Makes me worry some.
      I'm just a girl in the world...


      • #4
        Hee, got it. That's an ending that would make Wile. E. Coyote proud.


        • #5
          A pretty good, addicting game! Still struggling to get that 6000 feet goal, even though I have all the upgrades, the best glider and the best rocket.
          Happy endings are just unfinished stories...


          Elite member of the Looney Bin with ex wife "SimplyCrazy" and on-line kids "Wirodeu, Bread ...and Rannei"



          • #6
            Point slightly upward and use your rocket until you max out the speed. Then level out. When you reach 150 mph angle downward until you are almost maintaining your speed. When you reach around 80 to 100 feet use your remaining rocket power and point upward to gain altitude. Then repeat the above process. when you get to about 50 feet level out. You should reach 6000 feet.

            It took me 28 days to reach the end. I'm sure I could do better though.

