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Shock Defence

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  • Shock Defence

    Play here

    Build several towers to protect human kind.

    He who fights and runs away can run away another day.

  • #2
    ok so how do you research?

    I know the world's got problems,
    I've got problems of my own,

    Ain't the kind that can be solved,
    with an atom bomb

    ><((('><')))>< WORLD PEACE!!
    Put the kissing fish in your sig to stop the evil world domination bunny!


    • #3
      I guess it comes after every few levels, it was 7 on the last one. Thing is, I've not been able to get my powers powerful enough to get past 7. They *barely* beat 6... and I'm keeping them as upgraded as possible.

      I can't see a way to win. Anyone have any ideas?
      Last edited by KingDragon6; 04-26-2007, 15:57:50.
      your skill in reading has increased! (+1)


      • #4
        You get an upgrade after every seven levels.

        To beat it you have to build a few cannons and a few basic arrow weapons early on, in positions where they cover as much path as possible. Work out how many you need to beat each level, don't just spend whatever you've got. You need only a couple of cannons and an arrow for the first level. The 'interest' on your money is quite important at the start.

        The only really difficult level in the whole game is the Centurion level (6?) where I've never lost less than 10 hp. Other than that I've never lost any hp.

        As soon as you get an upgrade, upgrade the weapon on the right of the three (not the money upgrade) and as soon as you can, get one of the available towers (they cost 50). Place it somewhere with a lot of coverage, preferably amongst your cannons/arrows and it's a very powerful weapon.

        As soon as you've got one in place the game becomes quite easy as your money builds up and you can buy a number of the more powerful weapons. You shouldn't need to bother with any of the other weapons you can upgrade to, until the 'Super Tower' becomes available which is very powerful.

        One more thing, you can upgrade the weapons you've already placed by clicking on them, this comes in handy at all stages of the game.

        The game has 35 levels but once you've survived 10-15 you should find the rest a breeze.


        • #5
          Instructions please

          Ok, I dont get it.
          I build these weapon towers, click start. The sheep work their way through and then exit.
          I click on the tower that has the sheep in it's range and they dont die. It appears that I am not attacking them.
          What am I missing? clicking on sheep doesnt seem to help. clicking on and off the tower that they're are in range of doesnt seem to help.
          Is their a way to "shoot" them?


          • #6
            Should be automatic

            The weapons should fire automatically.

            If you place a couple of cannons by the path, and a couple of the cheapest weapon for good measure, they should eliminate the sheep with little bother.

            I'm afraid I've no idea why your weapons aren't working!


            • #7

              If you are using a slingshot tower it will not kill the sheep, or even fire at them, as it is an AIR attack only (hover cursor over items to see what their properties are). The sheep should die easily enough with two stone towers. I found that stone towers and then towers of lightning were enough to get pretty far (level34 damnit!).

              Keep trying, maybe refresh your page.

              paranoid optimist x


              • #8
                this game took me a few solid days to coplete but all in all a great game.
                the bean IS your friend!


                • #9
                  Bwahahaaa! Take that creeps! That- I have to say, was a fool proof method. I didn't loose a life once!

                  your skill in reading has increased! (+1)


                  • #10
                    on level 11 my stone tower caterpult stops working
                    1 I BELIVE IN THE BUNNY.
                    Remember to add a bunny to your sig so we can finaly rule the world!!


                    • #11
                      scott3000 or king dragon6 could you post a picture or a link to a picture on where your guys are? i always die on lvl 12. and the person who's post is right above me, ur using a land weapon while the martians are air. or you just cant see the bullets on the slingshot tower. whichever wep u have
                      A Different PerspectiveMakes A Difference


                      • #12
                        Beginner Shock defence Pro Tactic

                        This game becomes easy when you learn what you should do, the first time i finished it i got 3000 points, so i played it again using the same tactics but on the Officail Game website, i published my score, and look, the top 10 were from 50000 to 60000 points! ... lols

                        SO i played again, and this time i read the bit were it said, Total points = Points + Money.

                        Then i figured out if u finish a lvl with the littlest Defence u get more points and also more money.
                        So i did the first lvl with 1 -
                        - bomber (lvl 2)
                        - lvl 2, 1 Bomber (lvl 3)
                        - lvl 3, 1 Bomber (lvl 3)
                        - lvl 4, 2 Bombers (lvl 3 and 2)
                        - lvl 5, 2 Bombers (lvl 3 and 3)
                        - lvl 6, 3 Bombers (lvl 3,3 and 3)
                        Its posible to kill all of them with 3 lvl 3 bombers if put in the right place, if u cant manage it, use 4 lvl 3 bombers.
                        - lvl 7, 3 Bombers (lvl, 3,3 and 3)
                        - Use 1 Tribute Stat on lighting
                        - lvl 8, 3 Bombers (lvl 3,3 and 3)
                        - lvl 9, 3 Bombers (lvl 3,3 and 3)
                        - lvl 10, 3 Bombers (lvl3, 3 and 3)
                        "Remember" its important you get a good possision to put these, or u mite need 4 lvl 3 bombers.
                        - lvl 11, Sell all 3 Bombers, make
                        1 Tower of lighting (lvl 3)(never make them lvl 4)
                        "Remember", When you sell a tower, u will lose as much points as you sold it for, but u will gain the money, remember the money u have left at the end of the game, adds onto your points, so trust me, its worth it.

                        - lvl 12, 2 Tower of lighting (TOL)(lvl 3 and 2)
                        - lvl 13, 2 TOL (lvl 3 and 2)
                        - lvl 14, 2 TOL (lvl 3 and 2)
                        Use 1 Tribute stat on +3% Interest rate.
                        Trust me -
                        If you have managed to do it with my rules, u should have around 610 points and $280 with 20 hp, "Remember", Hp doesn't matter to your final score that much.
                        - lvl 15, 2 TOL (lvl 3 and 2)
                        - lvl 16, 2 TOL (lvl 3 and 2)
                        - lvl 17, 2 TOL (lvl 3 and 2)
                        - lvl 18, 2 TOL (lvl 3 and 3)
                        - lvl 19, 2 TOL (lvl 3 and 3)
                        - lvl 20, 2 TOL (lvl 3 and 3)
                        - lvl 21, 2 TOL (lvl 3 and 3)
                        Use 1 Tribute point on Fire or Poison, Does not matter.
                        - lvl 22, 2 TOL (lvl 3 and 3)
                        - lvl 23, 2 TOL (lvl 3 and 3)
                        - lvl 24, 3 TOL (lvl 3,3 and 3)
                        - lvl 25, 3 TOL (lvl 3,3 and 3)
                        - lvl 26, 3 TOL (lvl 3,3 and 3)
                        - lvl 27, 3 TOL (lvl 3,3 and 3)
                        Ok, At this stage, U should alrdy have over 3200 points and over $2500
                        - lvl 28, 3 TOL (lvl 3,3 and 3)
                        use 1 Tribute point on the remaining Research.
                        - lvl 29, 3 TOL (lvl 3,3 and 3)
                        - lvl 30, 4 TOL (lvl 3,3,3 and 3)
                        ALso need a good spot to do it with 4 lvl 4 TOLS, If not, try 5.
                        - Blvl 1, 4 TOLS and 1 Super tower.
                        (All TOLS = lvl 3, Super Tower = lvl 2).
                        Place the super tower in the middle of the map. (ish)
                        - Blvl 2, 4 TOLs (lvl 3)and 1 Super tower (lvl 2)
                        - Blvl 3, 4 TOLS (all lvl 3), 1 Super tower (lvl 2)
                        - Blvl 4 (HOW ARE YOUR STILL ALIVE?!), 4 TOLS (all lvl 3), 2 Super Towers (Both lvl 2!)
                        - Blvl 5, (THE LAST LEVEL), 4 TOLS (lvl3), 3 Super Towers - (All Lvl 2!)
                        GAME OVER!
                        This rule, If done Right, Will get you 18000-19000 points, I got 18314.

                        I have however got 21000 to 25000 points once, i forgot how, i must of spent less money, maby i finished the last lvl with only 2 super towers and not 3, or did it with les TOLS and made super towers sooner,
                        U can experiment with this rule and maby get a higher score.
                        Maby you could find a way to get over 50000 points, because its posible.

                        Thanks for reading , i Hope Beginner guide gets you started on becoming a Shock defence pro lols......
                        ~ Raddy


                        • #13
                          thanks man, i have been trying for over a week to beat the game and then i beat in in 20-30 mins...with a good score!!! thanks
                          A Different PerspectiveMakes A Difference


                          • #14
                            Unlimited money glitch/ start with weapons

                            To do this do the following

                            1. you have to beat the game
                            2.when it shows your score at the end,click next level then right click and click back.
                            3.(optional)place any weapon you want where you want
                            4.right click and click rewind
                   forward until you can click start
                   start and your money should say $NaN(unlimited money) and your weapons should still be there.

                            Sadly though when you do this you can not upgrade your weapons.
                            Last edited by RipperRoo; 09-23-2007, 01:43:03.


                            • #15
                              That didn't work, RipperRoo. It reset my money to $75. Didn't place any towers, so I don't know if it would have kept those.

                              Anyway, this is the first tower defence I've ever played. After reading that you shouldn't use all your money on the first levels, I beat the game without loosing any hp .

                              Placed all my towers in the "U" shape, and ony the fast ones ever got past the second curve. Replaced all my canons with lightning towers at the first chance, and never changed them, and only upgraded them towards the end. Only built one super tower in the center of the "U".

                              I'm pretty satisfied, despite my score sucking at the end. Didn't know my money counted towards the score, so I used it all during the bonus rounds.

                              Wish there was a "fast" mode though, so I wouldn't have to wait several minutes to pass each level.

                              Hey RaDDy, I tried your "walkthrough". Great job. Worked like a charm. Except I accidently bought the second money upgrade, and was unable to get the super tower defence. Instead I continue building what I thought would be minimal required lightning towers. I died on bonus round 3, and yet I got a score of 26000, which is more than by your method. If I hadn't been a cheap-skate and bought enough tower to survive, perhaps I could have gotten even more. I can't see getting 50000, though. Don't know how that's possible. But as this is my first time ever playing this sort of game, I won't break my head over it.
                              Last edited by Arch7; 09-18-2007, 02:41:00.

