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Amped Up

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  • Amped Up

    So everyone likes Guitar Hero I think.
    Well now theres a game to play with your keyboard.
    It's pretty tricky at first but just like the really game, you get the hang of it fast!
    So Hit those notes and rock that keyboard!

    Sister Dia <3
    Elite Member of GFARDTO

    Why Are YOU Worrying about You-Know-Who?
    You SHOULD Be Worrying About
    U-NO-POO -
    the CONSTIPATION SENSATION That's Gripping the Nation!

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  • #2
    first~ and prettuy good game
    The great Funiax is back! (Hopefully) Post your progress on Stupidscape if you think you're the ultimate riddle solver! MoneySeize is an addicting game, dunno if it's on here.


    • #3
      This game is very good but i can't play because when a press two arrows the space bar doesn't work. Can anyone help me?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Gabaum View Post
        This game is very good but i can't play because when a press two arrows the space bar doesn't work. Can anyone help me?
        Hmm. I just tested it, and it worked for me. I noticed that you have to hit the space bar EXACTLY as the notes hit the spot. If you hit it before or after, nothing happens.


        • #5
          Thats how guitar hero works too. Practice makes perfect!
          Sister Dia <3
          Elite Member of GFARDTO

          Why Are YOU Worrying about You-Know-Who?
          You SHOULD Be Worrying About
          U-NO-POO -
          the CONSTIPATION SENSATION That's Gripping the Nation!

          Why so Serious?


          • #6
            So true, Mcakkay. I love Guitar Hero and whoever made this game did a good job creating the computer version of it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mcakkay View Post
              Thats how guitar hero works too. Practice makes perfect!
              Frets On Fire works in the same way


              • #8
                Hmm. Out of curiosity...Has anyone actually attempted Mode 2(Turning your keyboard to the side and making it a guitar)?
                A: Guys! There's no 'I' in TEAM.
                B: Well, there's no 'U'(you) either.
                Roses are red,
                Violets are blue.
                I'm so glad that
                colors weren't wasted on you.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jeral View Post
                  Hmm. Out of curiosity...Has anyone actually attempted Mode 2(Turning your keyboard to the side and making it a guitar)?
                  Yeah the game becomes much easier i think


                  • #10
                    gr8 game.. specially in mode 2
                    but when you pres down+right+space or down+left+space it doesnt work.. =[


                    • #11
                      not really good. i kinda hate it cause i press the right buttons at the right time but it always counts as a miss. i got 0 points at the end.
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