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NSLF2 (Naruto Shippuden Little Fighter 2)

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  • NSLF2 (Naruto Shippuden Little Fighter 2)

    Ever yeard of Little Fighter 2? Well this mod is FOR YOU! This Action fighting game is A LOT OF FUN and takes a minimum of space in your computer! No installation required! Simply download the game and extract the rar. file in your desktop!

    This is a downloadable game.

    Moderation Note: Please note, that this game might not run properly on Vista and Windows 7.


    *To download the game, go in the Official Release section of the forum.*

    Alternate Link for version 1.1:

    Download Nslf2v2beta.part1.rar and Nslf2v2beta.part2.rar and extract them. After that just run the exe file to play.

    (Thank you, Jeral for testing that. )
    Last edited by Mistery; 03-21-2011, 23:03:14. Reason: Added alternate moderation note

  • #2
    Ooh. Sounds really interesting. I like both LF2 and Naruto so...hehe.
    But, Savefile link not working and Sendspace keeps saying that I'm already downloading something. Darn it.
    A: Guys! There's no 'I' in TEAM.
    B: Well, there's no 'U'(you) either.
    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue.
    I'm so glad that
    colors weren't wasted on you.



    • #3
      Jeral, is this a link that is helpful?


      • #4
        Well, the game is there. But it seems to be an older version(1.1)

        Download Nslf2v2beta.part1.rar and Nslf2v2beta.part2.rar and extract them. After that just run the exe file to play.
        Last edited by Jeral; 11-11-2009, 07:12:49.
        A: Guys! There's no 'I' in TEAM.
        B: Well, there's no 'U'(you) either.
        Roses are red,
        Violets are blue.
        I'm so glad that
        colors weren't wasted on you.



        • #5
          Hehe. Thanks. I just saw there were lots of downloads, so I wasn't sure...

          EDIT: Thanks. I've edited the lead post and will look around some more to see if I can find a more updated version to download.


          • #6
            Version 1.4 is available here or here and 1.5 is coming soon!

            Check out our forum: or check out our videos on Youtube =). Please register as a Member to contribute to the game (shooting out your ideas, saying what needs to be made/thought of/ameliorated). It's free and takes a few minutes so you have NO reason to say NO!

            You can also check out the guide site of this game at

            If you have any questions regarding the game, write to me by the NSLF2 forums, or post a reply here (now that I've put on the instant e-mail for every reply recieved (which I forgot 1 year ago), it's 100% sure that I'll answer your replies within 24h).
            Last edited by Da Man Live; 10-23-2010, 22:14:35.


            • #7
              problem please help!!

              hi i downloaded your NSLF2 game and i like it but i seem to have a little problem cuz whenever i move a sprite to the left or the enemy is looking left they do all these weird animations and none of the ones they are suppsoed to do...
              i dont know what to do please help me!!


              • #8
                From their forums, it appears that this problem might occur on Vista and Windows 7 unfortunately:


                • #9
                  ok thx
                  ill just have to try it on another then since it was on vista...
                  But awesome Game!!

