Hi, here is a game I just finished. It's a FPS (first person shooter) You start outside a castle and have to find your way around and into the castle. Get to the end of the game while collecting letters to rearrange into a word.
This is a fun little game. (two levels) You get to find things, shoot things, move things, unlock things and more. Try it out and let me know if you enjoyed it! Don't let me know if you didn't. LOL, only kidding.
The file is about 10MB
Download the game here: http://psychicmedium-cassandrablizzard.com/?page_id=511
This is a fun little game. (two levels) You get to find things, shoot things, move things, unlock things and more. Try it out and let me know if you enjoyed it! Don't let me know if you didn't. LOL, only kidding.
The file is about 10MB
Download the game here: http://psychicmedium-cassandrablizzard.com/?page_id=511
