Hayles how on earth did u escape?? im stuck at teh end
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P Sensor
its not even loading for me on firefox...again its the same white screen with a music..how u guys hv loaded this game i also wanna play but it seems i can't
Sister: Mojotolo * Brother: Pratik732006 , Clank nd lots of good frnds...
sigpicANYBODY canwish
For SUCCESS,and most
a few know
That a Definite Plan,
Plus a BUrning Desire
For SUCCESS are the
only Dependable
means of Accumulating
I'm also stuck in "the other room" and I just can't find all these bottles you guys are saying should be in here?? I found one next to the x, and one on top of shelf that I can't reach (because I don't have the other bottles I guess...) - but the rest? Can anyone give me a tiny hint, please?
Nevermind; found them
I'm stuck.I put my yellow bottle down on the x, went to look around, and now I can't find the x anymore. Can't remember where I found it the first time. I can see the yellow bottle, but I can't pick it up again, and I can only stick the black bottle in the frame, not on the floor. not sure what else to do.
I found the x again; i can put the yellow and black bottles down, but I can't put the board down on them....
P Sensor Walkthrough
Here is the complete walkthrough:
First Room:
1. Notice letters on picture (they form KVXW)
2. Go right
3. Click on book shelf
4. Click on the round red circle
5. Click it again to find a switch, click the switch to shut off fan
6. Go right 2x
7. Click on table
8. Click on bottle with blue label, with blue key inside
9. Click behind fruits to find yellow key
10. Click on Green shelf
11. Click on lower right side of screen
12. Click on waste basket, get the green triangle, note the paper
13. Go back 2x
14. Click on the upper left corner of the screen
15. Click on the fan, collect red circle, on the middle right of the fan
16. Go back 2x
17. Go left
18. Use yellow key on yellow locker door, look down and retrieve screwdriver
19. Click on bottle with blue label and tap the bottom with the screwdriver, get blue key
20. Open blue locker door with blue key, and look up and retrieve black key
21. Open black locker door with black key, and look down remove papers, retrieve postcard
22. Highlight postcard and click on doll to get a wrench
23. Go left
24. Click on house, use wrench on screw to retrieve pink key
25. Go right
26. Open pink locker door with pink key, and look down and retrieve briefcase and hammer (code for briefcase is KVXW)
27. Go left
28. Use hammer on 4th row from the top on the 2nd shelf as indicated on the paper from before and get the green key
29. Go right
30. Click on green door, open with key go inside
Second Room
31. Go right 2x
32. Note numbers on door (when lights are off only)
33. Go left 2x
34. Turn light switch on
35. Go left
36. Click lower left corner of screen
37. Retrieve two bottles and a board
38. Go back
39. Go left
40. Click on lower left corner of screen and retrieve bottle
41. Go back
42. Go right
43. Click on left corner of the shelf
44. Click on colors
45. Retrieve blue square
46. Note Numbers (roman numerals, order of code to be entered)
47. Go back
48. Go right
49. Click on Shelf
50. Facing the shelf click the lower left corner (Red X on floor)
51. Place the three bottles on the X and the board on the bottles
52. Go back (you are now facing the shelf)
53. Click the top middle of the shelf and retrieve the red bottle
54. Go back down and retrieve bottles
55. Place the bottles in the shelf (red to red, yellow to yellow, etc.)
56. Go back
57. Go left
58. Click on bottom left corner of shelf, click on back wall (colored squares)
59. Note the numbers I=9, II=1, III=4, IV=6
60. Go back
61. Go left 2x
62. Zoom in on panel and enter the code (9146)
63. Light on panel turns blue and you can leave the room
64. Click on the picture (straight ahead)
65. Click the picture in this order:
a. 1st on the bottom left corner of the picture
b. 2nd on the bottom right corner of the picture
c. 3rd on the top right corner of the picture
d. 4th on the top left corner of the picture
e. 5th on the top right corner of the picture again, picture falls to the floor
66. Zoom in on panel, and place the blue square, red circle and green triangle into the correct slots.
67. Enter the code 125
68. You can now exit
69. Click on the door and exit
70. The End (regular ending)
***Bonus Ending***
71. Click on the door and enter the room
72. Click the back arrow (now you are facing the main room)
73. Click on the left side (door)
74. Door closes, note the sign “HOME”
75. Click the back arrow
76. Click on the door to open it and enter the main room again
77. Open the locker doors one at a time and enter “H” in the pink locker “O” in the blue locker “M” in the yellow locker and “E” in the black locker.
78. Go back
79. The lockers split open
80. Go forward and use the access card to exit
81. The End