thanks rima I entered those codes but what is supposed to happen?
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Originally posted by player1 View Postthanks rima I entered those codes but what is supposed to happen?
You have to play the CBF and place the notes on the table. It is the last middle and first key. Not sure wich order...
1) 5th white key
2) 3th black key
3) 3th white key
4) 2nd white key
5) 1st black key
6) 3th white key
Sister: Mojotolo * Brother: Pratik732006 , Clank nd lots of good frnds...
sigpicANYBODY canwish
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now I'm going to sound really stupid but I cant see a panio
Originally posted by player1 View Postnow I'm going to sound really stupid but I cant see a panio
Sister: Mojotolo * Brother: Pratik732006 , Clank nd lots of good frnds...
sigpicANYBODY canwish
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ahhh I did put thee code in the desk but nothing came up from the top
edit; if anyone can see where I'm going wrong please tell me lol !! gtg will check back later thanks
Originally posted by player1 View Postahhh I did put thee code in the desk but nothing came up from the topSister: Mojotolo * Brother: Pratik732006 , Clank nd lots of good frnds...
sigpicANYBODY canwish
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maybe different codes in every game ?
still struggling with piano
should have taken piano lessons instead of drums
i see and understand thecarvings"reversed"in the cbf paper,trying to play the notes "reversed"but it wont work and cant "place" the paper on the tableLast edited by old biker; 09-07-2008, 19:44:00.
Originally posted by old biker View Postmaybe different codes in every game ?
still struggling with piano
should have taken piano lessons instead of drums
i see and understand thecarvings"reversed"in the cbf paper,trying to play the notes "reversed"but it wont work and cant "place" the paper on the table.
after entering the rht code.. a piano comes up frm the desk thn to get the left panel/folder of CBF sheet open press the piano button like this ----
1 white ,,
7/ lasT white thn ,,
4 / middle white ...
now zoom on the CBF sheet by clicking on about items thn click on it again to see its opposite side (u will see black dots here) nd just place the dot side of the CBF sheet on panel opens up ..
now u hv to play the this to get the KEY frm rht panel..
1) 5th white key
2) 3th black key
3) 3th white key
4) 2nd white key
5) 1st black key
6) 3th white key
Sister: Mojotolo * Brother: Pratik732006 , Clank nd lots of good frnds...
sigpicANYBODY canwish
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Plus a BUrning Desire
For SUCCESS are the
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means of Accumulating
Did you
Turn the knob under the table in the non-mirrored room to the 10 o'clock position then the 1 o'clock position already to move the painting?
if so
Did you push the buttons on the puzzle in the order of the planets?
if you already did both of those then:
Go to the mirrored room and put them in the slots where the planet puzzle was.
After thatgo to the non-mirrored room, turn off the switches, and you can go out the door. You might want to look at one of the lamps first though if you want the good ending.
Originally posted by darcangell22 View PostOkay, I need to get some sleep but I've gotten all the way to where I have the two ying yang like pieces and now I'm stuck. I still have no idea what that arrow means.but as i hv replay it for you so i hope it will work 4 you..
cick on the left cabinet (which is right in the real world), note the arrow. Go back, click on the mirror to enter into color side Open the right cabinet, click upper left corner, take the key (silver thingy). Go left...
Put the key under the vase drawer thing... First turn it to the left and put it on 10, then turn to the right and put it on 1.. You’ll hear a sound of something opening...
Go back...
Remember the planet signs? (painting hanging in B & W ROOM ).. Click them starting with planet closest to the Sun… … … i.e > >
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune...(smthing will open)
now Go to B & W world..
Place the yin-yang pieces in circle (where thr was a painting of planets) ,,thn Go to the real world, turn off both switches...
There are two endings: >>
after turning off the switches, just go through the door... or....
After you turn off the switches, look at the door, click the left lamp (click its left side), use the tool. Go back. Click the left lamp from the right side, use tool. Remove cover, put coin in slot, take the key. Click on the door, use the key on the truck....nd yay u are out...
welll...its seems i hv almost written a walkthrough for this game...
Sister: Mojotolo * Brother: Pratik732006 , Clank nd lots of good frnds...
sigpicANYBODY canwish
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a few know
That a Definite Plan,
Plus a BUrning Desire
For SUCCESS are the
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means of Accumulating
Dang it! My computer won't let me turn the knobs! I have to go to bed now, I'll try again in the morning. My guess is that I have to do that before going through the mirror the first time.
EDIT: Oh thank you Rima! That's a big help. I'll follow it through now. Then I'm going to bed.
EDIT 2: Thanks so much! I'm out now! Off to bed!Last edited by darcangell22; 09-08-2008, 12:55:41.sigpic
Is it against forum rules to post a walkthrough from another site? I found one. It isn't mine, but, it helped me on a couple tricky places (flower petal code). Please delete if I shouldn't do this.
(from escapegames24-radmila)
1. Take CBF card from the drawer. Under the drawer thing there is something, but we’ll get there later. Beside the left chair there is a handle, take it. Note the picture, you will need it to figure out a certain code. Go left.
2. Click on the right shelf, take coin from one of the wine glasses. Note the time. Go left twice.
3. From the drawer of the left cabinet take screwdriver. Inside the one in the right cabinet there is a book, there are some pictures in it, but after so many games played, you guessed correctly that it gives you the order of a code. Remember the squares on the cover. Go right twice.
4. Look for the same pattern on the shelves. Each book will give you a sign. Now, on the picture you have a clue for the numbers. The picture shows four bouquets, each has two flowers. If the left one has a red petal, it means 4 (thus: two red petals mean 8 and so on…), If the right one has a petal, it means 1 (thus 2 red petals mean 2 and so on…) Add the two numbers and you get the number for each bouquet. Now, leave the picture and go to the shelves. Open the books (you already know which ones) and do the math. Put the code into the safe on the table.
5. It will give you a piano. Play C, B, F (first, last and fourth). Another thing will open. Examine the card, flip it over, remember the notes, and put it there. Play the new notes (5th white, black next to the 4th white, 3rd white, 2nd white, black left to the 2nd white, 3rd white). Take the key. Go back.
6. Click the trophy to put it away from the box. Click the box to see the screws, use coin on them. Use the screwdriver on the next screws. Take the yellow box. Also take the screws. Go right twice.
7. Click on the right cabinet, the bottom shelf has some holes. Put the handle there, put the screws on it. Lift it up, take the tool. Use it on the yellow box in you inventory. Take the key. Use both keys on the cabinets, lift the handles up. You’ll see some lines on the mirror. Click on the mirror to go to the mirror world.
8. Click the left cabinet (which is right in the real world), read the warning. Or I tell you: don’t turn off the switches, you’ll die. Go right.
9. Remember the signs for the planets. Go right.
10. Note the time. Click the left book shelves. On each shelf there is one book you can pull a bit (left shelves: top shelf 5, middle 9, bottom 3; right shelves: top 8, middle 2, bottom 4. Note their positions and quickly click on them, you’ll hear a sound of something opening. Go back, take the jin-jang piece. Repeat the operation with the right book shelves. Take the other piece. Go right twice.
11. Click the left cabinet (which is right in the real world), note the arrow. Go back, click on the mirror.
12. Open the right cabinet, click upper left corner, take the key. Go left.
13. Put the key under the drawer thing. First turn it to the left and put it on 10, then turn to the right and put it on 1. You’ll hear a sound of something opening. Go back.
14. Remember the planet signs? Click them starting with planet closest to the Sun… … … oh, yeah, here you go: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Go to mirror world.
15. Place the jin-jang pieces in place. Go to the real world, turn off both switches.
16. There are two endings: after turning off the switches, just go through the door. Or:
17. After you turn off the switches, look at the door, click the left lamp (click its left side), use the tool. Go back. Click the left lamp from the right side, use tool. Remove cover, put coin in slot, take the key. Click on the door, use the key on the truck. Bye bye!
I'm missing something .. well, probably two things .. probably more than that ..
coin? and tool that fits in holes to turn things. I've moved picture and did that (boy! Couldn't remember the verse that lets one recall the order - so got out the dictionary)
keyboard - white keys from left to right C D E F G A B
black key to the right of C is C sharp. # is a sharp.
staff - lines are Every Good Boy Does Fine. spaces - FACE. space below staff is D and the line below is middle C.
Time to look for help ..
Found the help - I'm out and got to take the bear with me! Nice to have company.
i cant even play.
i keep pressing the arrow & nothing happens.
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