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Girlfriend's Room
What I have -letter, red liquid & a key. I joined two things (don't ask) to get red liquid (maybe the rose & something) and the key was something with green on it - a book and something from a chair.
usedred liquid on object on SE wall - a lamp?
so down to two items
foundan axe! on top of bookcase
used 6th and got 11th space item.
and now have 3rd space item.
See I'm no longer last poster.Last edited by NannaJoy; 01-18-2009, 21:13:50.
I'm stuck....
did lots of things, now found the axe, used it on the barrels,than did something and got something else.... well it was so fast that I don't even remember how it went... got another key used it on the chest, I think, and now I have a red book, have no idea what to do now... What to do with the love letter?
Finally got outLast edited by Myska21; 01-18-2009, 21:32:09.
I foundwhite item under right chair - clicked it turned red and fell to floor - used plate on it - got a dog? and gave other item - jar? -
andI got a key that I used ?on trunk? and got book
have just two items at this point 1 & 11
Didn't fill every item spot - got mad girlfriend. Can still click but item list gone so guess that is it.
Should keep track and see how many items I found. Anyone getting a good ending?
Got items by just picking them up: 2.3. 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8.
Thought I had found first item right off before. Hmm..
made items: 9 (2&5) 10 (11&12) 11 (3 and barrel) 12 (7&8)
made items: 13 (4,6,9) .. all I had except 9 gone.
So I've two items.
used item 13 & got 14 - red book from trunk
clicked on table with red book highlighted and got item one - letter. used red liqued on guy/bee on rug and he disappeared
OK - went out with two items to mad girlfriend. Didn't find items 15 & 16. So possible we are missing somthing. Or shouldn't click on table to get letter?
What is on the rug? Looks sort of like a decorative bee.Last edited by NannaJoy; 01-18-2009, 22:43:53.
Seems in need of a Chinese speaking explainer here....
The game is about a jealous girlfriend who suspects her boyfriend will go out with other girls when she's away. So she tells the bee (on the rug) to guard the door and sets up a magical barrier in front of it (which you've got to disperse with the red book).
I think the storyline is just fictional. No one would really lock up her boyfriend like that XD
Such an untrusting girlfriend . . .^^Professional Couch Potato!!!^^
( )_( )
This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.
98 percent of teenagers do or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2 percent who hasn't, copy & paste this in your profile, website, Personal e-mail signature, etc.
Thx Cymophane for providing an explanation for the game's plot. I now see why the girlfriend was absolutely fuming and the boyfriend was on his kneessigpic