where do u find the sticker to put on the helmets?
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Interview Room Escape
Just a couple of heads up. One, the location of the digital "8"s can change from game to game. Two, the locations of other items (like the fire extinguisher) can also change. Three, you can SAVE in this game, which is good.
Now, if anyone can help me, I am stuck onthe sign on the spinning broom holder.
Never mind. MegaJar from Nordinho posted this helpful hint.Push the button in the drawer (the top right hand drawer) after setting the date.
Last edited by Purp; 01-31-2009, 06:40:05.Don't forget you are awesome.
Well, I have now gotten back to this one. Filled all my spaces this time. But missing a few things. No one evidently around .. but hopefully some hints that I will need, no doubt.
Still working on my own since I'm slowly making progress.
placed 4 hats in order, did puzzle and got a green key. Had another key that I used. Have fire ext., smoke, plastic thing, card removed from plastic thing, pic w/ star that has been placed. Missing a small 8 and 3 (I think) big 8's.
Then I usedgreen key and got an item for fire ext., and another key which got me into middle of cabinet where I picked up some items.
Odd - thought I found this some place different and earlier last attempt
screwdriver in right table leg
I've seen 3 numbers for something. Found another big 8. and getting an error message in something I've been trying to do. May have to hunt for a hint as the clock is ticking here.
At last opened the area behind the glass.
requried matching temp listed on that item that reminds me of a do not enter tag with the temp listed on the black item with a red button by turning wheels - when it matches it goes in the left side chest along with the tag. Yippee! Found 2 more 8's back there and some other stuff.
Have all the 8's - but think I put wrong #s in there. #$#$%# after 2 a.m. and hopefully I've saved. I've got to go to bed. At my age I need all the beauty rest I can get and from the looks of things I need 10 hours a night and I usually am happy with 7.
Dang it! Can't click "load" .. unless it loaded my game as it set up on my screen. nope - did I do something wrong clicking to start?
Missing one 8 now. and a few items I'm not sure about - except for missing 8, I'm back to where I was when I saved unsuccessfully.
EDIT: Still missing one. Have eaten. I've looked on lights, plants, behind stuff, under stuff, beside stuff .. lifted stuff, .. Only one smoke *grin* should have left me more than that! I am trying to quit.
Probably on the broom that I placed before searching .. think I'll restart.
At last out - took too long! I won't tell how I know LOL math doesn't put things in ( ) so you know what to do first / together. Grrr. and it is year month day ..Last edited by NannaJoy; 02-03-2009, 04:28:30.
Important note: the location of items changes from game to game, so instead of telling you where to find things, I’ll tell you where to LOOK. You’ll be collecting number “cards”, hard hats, a fire extinguisher, keys, and a few odds and ends.
Get the HARD HAT from the coffee table in front of you. LOOK under the
“no smoking” sign, and under the table.
Turn left. LOOK under the sofa cushions and behind the back of the sofa (click just above the sofa near the middle). Lift the tray and check its underside for the SQUARE NUMBER. LOOK under the sofa and behind its back corner.
Turn left again and zoom in on the plant. Click the plant until a leaf falls, revealing a switch on the wall. Zoom in on the switch and click it once to turn off the fan.
Back out twice, then click the green banner on the wall (above the sofa). Click the right edge and get the STICKER.
Back out, then turn back to the right. Zoom in on the fan on the wall. Lift the grille and get the GREY KEY. LOOK on top of the fan.
Turn to the right sofa. LOOK under the cushions, under the tray, under the sofa, behind the back corner, and behind the back.
Turn right. Get the HARD HAT from the rack. Look at it in your inventory and click it until it turns. Put the sticker on the side. Check the name on the sticker - it’s the two characters in the bottom middle box. Zoom in on the rack and check the name labels along the bottom to see where the hat goes. Check the name on the other hat in your inventory and put it in place as well.
Look at the framed certificate on the cabinet. Lift the certificate and zoom in on the pictures behind it. On the big picture that looks like a safety seminar, note the order of the panels behind the guy on the podium. Zoom out, then zoom in on that picture thingy on the other corner of the cabinet. Switch the panels around until the first four match the picture, then if needed switch the last two panels, until you get a little cut scene showing that something opened.
Zoom out and LOOK in the drawers on the right. Get the HARDHAT from the bottom one. Also LOOK at both ends of the cabinet, at the plant on top of it, behind the framed certificate, and the security camera on the ceiling. (There should be a piece of paper taped to the left end of the cabinet, which tells you something about how the number panels will be used.) Put the hat from the drawer in the proper place on the rack.
Turn right. Zoom in on the locker and get the CLIPBOARD from the right side. Use the grey key to open the locker. Get the fourth HARD HAT. LOOK above the locker and in the gap between it and the wall on the left.
Examine the clipboard in your inventory. Release the latches and remove the paper. Examine the paper and use the star picture on it to get the STAR NUMBER.
Turn back to the left and put the last hard hat in place. The puzzle behind the block poster opens. Solve the puzzle. Get the GOLD KEY and note the strange spot on the leg of the coffee table in the picture.
Turn left to the real coffee table and click the spot indicated; get the SCREWDRIVER.
Turn back to the cabinet and use the gold key to open the drawers on the left. Get the RED STAND, then click the false bottom and get the GREEN KEY. Use the green key to open the middle doors. Get the RED WHEEL, the TEMPERATURE SENSOR (the black thing with the red button) and the LOCKOUT TAG (hanging from the red knob).
Turn around twice until you’re facing the door. Zoom in on the spot on the left with the yellow tape around it. Put the red stand in the square, then put the fire extinguisher in it. Zoom out once and look up above the extinguisher at the red sign that appeared. Get the GREEN KEY. Zoom in on the bottom of the sign for the TRIANGLE NUMBER.
Zoom out and turn left. Zoom in on the pipes. Use the green key to open the lock on the red wheel cover and remove it. LOOK inside the wheel cover (in your inventory). Put the other wheel in place. Examine the lockout tag in your inventory. Click the little red dot in the middle, then click the white part so you get a blue character instead of a red one. Flip over the tag and note the temperature taped to the back. Zoom out and hit the red button on the temperature gauge to turn it on. Click the wheels on the pipes until the temperature matches the number on the lockout tag. (There’s a little panel behind the middle two pipes that says what each turn of the wheel does, but it doesn’t really help - just try the wheels and see what happens.)
When you’ve gotten the right temperature, turn left to the cabinet. Open the middle doors and turn the red knob. The readout should say “READY”. Then open the bottom left drawer. Put the temperature sensor in the top part, put the lockout tag into the slot, and turn it. This (finally!) opens the glass enclosure.
Turn to the enclosure. Get the LIGHTER from the top of the red box and the BROOM from the stand. LOOK underneath everything, behind the stand, and in the red box. Also look at the underside of the blue & white no smoking sign for the CIRCLE NUMBER.
Zoom in on the bottom of the clock and remove the screw. Open the cover of the clock (you’ll need to zoom out once) and press the button. LOOK underneath the spotlight. Zoom out and LOOK up at the far track light.
Open the locker and hang the broom in it. Open the secret panel on the left and get the SIGN.
Go to the door and zoom in on the panel. Put in your small number plates in the six spots on top. If you don’t have all of them, go look around the room some more. Use the numbers to put in today’s date in year-month-day order, BUT put in 21 for the year, NOT 09. No, I don’t know why.
Turn around and open the right top drawer. Press the top red button. You should get a cut scene of the pole appearing behind the barricade.
Turn right and get the pole that appeared. Look at the sign in your inventory and click it until it flips around. Put in the pole. Zoom in on the stand (which used to contain the broom) and click it with the sign until the pole slides in place.
Zoom out and turn right. Turn off the lights with the switch to the left of the door. Turn back to the left and notice the illuminated spot on the ground. Turn the lights back on and return to the spot. Click it to lift the floor tile and take the third TRANSPARENCY.
Look at each of the other transparencies in your inventory and unroll them. Then look at the clipboard and put in all three transparencies. You’ll get an equation using the shape numbers you’ve found. Plug in your numbers, remember the rules of mathematics, and you should get a 4-digit number.
Go to the door and put in your large number plates, then plug in the 4-digit number you found. Turn around to the top right drawer and press the bottom red button; you should get a cut scene of the door, which is now open.
Turn to the door, click the doorknob, and wait for the ending scenes.
As far as I can tell, this seems like your playing as a guy whose trying to be accepted for a new job,and he really has to go to the restroom cause if he wouldn't he will make his thing in front of the boss right after getting out of the door, so i guess you need to prevent that.
Unfortunately I didn't solve it so if someone finds the solution please share it.