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AdventureX v2.0

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  • Originally posted by afgfg
    kann mir irgendjemand sagen was ich machen muss ich hab bis jetzt nur die spraydose und die gewichtsplatte aber in deutsch bitte wenn geht geht auch in englisch aber deutsch is besser...

    can anyon say me what i have to do? i've already the blue... from the toilet in the pipe and the wheight...
    can you say it me in german i'm from germany but in in english can you say it me too
    Beschreiben Sie den Kasten, in dem erforderlich, helfen. ?ber welchem Sie nicht sicheres sprechen. Trauriger Deutscher. Englisch ist besser! Lachen.
    Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
    Looney GHer!


    • thank you mistery finally got out


      • help

        i cant get the key in the firplace...... fire is out i dont get it!!!!!!! any help?


        • i've got rsi

          anyone for a help?

          I ve tried this game a whole week and now i have got RSI. Thank you gamershood


          • Originally posted by nyoegal
            A walkthrough for some of you, in case you need it....
            Have you tried to follow the walkthrough?


            • plz help!!! y wont the key go in the hole, fire out and everythin, dont everythin on walkthrough but key wont go in!!


              • Have you clicked on the fireplace to get a zoomed view? Then you should be able to use the key on the keyhole.


                • this game is easy the keyhole is in a brick on the fireplace


                  • omg ive done it

                    okies who eva needs help just ask n ill help ya asap!!!


                    • Originally posted by kerry-berry
                      okies who eva needs help just ask n ill help ya asap!!!
                      How to get out the exit. I am at the part with the red box with numbers, looks like I need something to fix the wire on the floor.

                      Have managed to fill up green level on red code machine. any help from here on in?

                      I have fixed the wire on the floor, now have a set of numbers on red machine??
                      Last edited by Adventure; 08-12-2007, 14:14:20. Reason: Merged posts
                      Lord Farquaad: Tell me where are the others.
                      Gingerbread Man: Eat me.


                      • Yes, it has to do with the numerb Pi. You need to find out some of its numbers certain decimal places.


                        • thanks for the hint

                          I'm terrible at figuring these things out!!
                          Lord Farquaad: Tell me where are the others.
                          Gingerbread Man: Eat me.


                          • help

                            ok i just sprayed the mirror in the bedroom and g2 appeared what do i do


                            • Originally posted by pronto26
                              ok i just sprayed the mirror in the bedroom and g2 appeared what do i do
                              Isn't it a 3 and not a 2?


                              • help!!!

                                whats the math puzzle answer can some 1 tell me plz!!!

