Hmmm, you could take a look at the walkthrough mentioned above your post.
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AdventureX v2.0
i did fix the wire but when i put in11114321nothing happens... am i supposed to do something with the floating colors on the tv looking thing with the question marks in the middle... everytime i push on them nothing happends and when i push the numbers on the machine thing nothing happends either...
never mind i got it now... i found the green key... i did it fast and it worked... stay around just in case though
okay im all done... i finally got outthanks for everything
Go to the thread of Adventure X:
You'll see the link to the walkthrough in the lead post.
- on the underside of the bed to zoom in on a glass cup pick it up and come to normal view
2.turn to your right to come to a fireplace if you look at the sides of the stone you can see an arrow pointing to the floors paneling keep clicking the floors paneling until you open it up and find a pipe valve to your right again to come to a gym click on the weight that is stick out the farthest
4.go to your right again until you come to some urinals and some sinks click on the sinks to zoom in on them and an H2o pipe use the valve on the H2o pipe to turn the sinks on
5.use the glass cup to fill it with water
6.while your at it look under the left sink to get some snippers zoom back out from the sinks and look down at the pipe running under the urinals you will see a slight dot on the pipe click it to break it and get the Lysol can
8.turn to your right yet again and use the water on the paintings and the snippers on the wiring that is on lying on the floor (by the way you have to keep on filling the glass with water every time you use it)
9.when your done doing the paintings use the Lysol can on the mirror
10. when your done you will get the numbers 13, 77, 99,or it looks like (gg), 1/2, and last 93 or it looks like g3 some times
11.fill the cup back up with water and go back to the fire place use the water on the fire to drench it
12. now got to your right and you will come back to the gym use the cord to fix the rest of the cord so you can put the equation through
11114321 get the green key that is in the box that just opened
14.turn to your left and click on the fireplace use the key in the little key hole to open the secret trap door go down the ladder to come to a little room on the hand saw that is on the shelve and get the funnel as well
16.use the cup with the barrel full of acid (i have no clue why the acid does not melt the cup) go back up stairs and turn to your left to be in the bedroom use the hand saw on the skinny lamp to cut it and take the rod
18.go back to the ladder and go down
19.use the rod with the hole the is in front of the door and put the weight on top of it
20.go back upstairs and take another weight go back down and put it on the rod keep doing this until the door opens.
21.go into the door and you will see a big red machine use the funnel for the hole in the top of it and use the green acid with it this will make the meter go up on the machine
23. go back upstairs and take a right to come back into the gym take the wire you recently put in and go back down stairs to the big machine
24. hook the wire up to the broken wires on the floor
25. ok now the machine is hooked up and is on if you didn't already notice that the mathmetical equation you are doing involves "pi" a numerical based mathmetical equation if your stuck heres a hint.
Here's the catch: Look at the Grey boxes above the exit sign, and compare those to the ones on the red box. Put the value of pi in the Grey boxes, and you'll see that the 10th Grey box is actually the 9th decimal place in the value of pi. Thus look for the values, as according to the white boxes, but -1 placing.
if your still stuck here you go
26.input that code and vwallah your out if you want to be in the hall of fame just click on the link that it gives out at the end
I hope you all have an absolutely terrific weekendI AM A MEMBER OF THE Looney Bin
"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemys first law of Equivalent Exchange.
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