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Spring Key

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  • #46
    Nippers were in the drawer box. Read previous posts. they will help a lot.

    My cat is still on the wall, can you help me?
    Last edited by Mistery; 03-21-2009, 17:55:22. Reason: Use the EDIT button to edit your posts instead of multiple posting


    • #47
      use the hook on the hanging part.


      • #48
        Doesn't work.Got to go to work.I'll try again later. Good luck!


        • #49
          Ok I heard a "click" when i put the correct letters in the fireplace and also noticed the "s" changed to a "Z"....

          Tried but can't seem to combine the chains in inventory. Any hints??

          EDIT: Figured it out


          • #50
            Thanks for the post

            Here is the walkthrough:
            Walkthrough Video - Spring Key


            • #51
              Originally posted by Kzin View Post
              Be very very Patient....grin... I think I'm missing something... I'll try on
              Understatement of the year!

              Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


              • #52
                And out !

                I finally managed to use chains !

                Dont play funny with me, Monsieur !


                • #53
                  ok is this game a loaded no problem... after skipping first image was of the door and the chain hanging from it I clicked on door it opened i was out..didnt have to do anything ...was this a glitch?

                  ummm....played second time got out threw chimney, Game must have several ways out...
                  Last edited by Adventure; 03-19-2009, 20:11:11. Reason: PLease use the edit button to avoid multiple posting. Thank you. :)
                  Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out


                  • #54
                    Just so y'all know...
                    For the blue box, you don't have to go through the coordinates to open it.
                    You just have to figure out what numbers go in the green squares and click the SILVER handle. Not the black part.
                    I couldn't figure out why it wasn't opening either, but once I restarted after a mistake (pulling down the chain), I realized it wasn't necessary.

                    And by the way, the door is always unlocked. It was the first thing I clicked on (trying to get the chain without the nippers) and it let me right out.
                    Not really much of an "escape" game...but whatever.


                    Y'know...the room doors in my house have similar locks...
                    ...really all you need is some sort of flat, circular object to pick it.
                    ...if you catch my drift.
                    Kate the Great!

                    lover. <3

