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Tower Core

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  • #16
    i refer you to the clue i just posted.
    computer. tech tower.
    read it!


    • #17
      Originally posted by brainisdead View Post
      I kinda have an unfair advantage over most players as I actually did some of the playtesting on this game before it was released ;-)
      Good job I don't remember much of it ;-)

      PS, I'd like to complain that my name wasn't on the list of testers!
      Taken from my testing forums:
      Originally posted by brainisdead
      sorry but this really gets a big thumbs down in terms of playability from me.
      scratch me as a tester. i dont even want to complete the game.
      will delete links to here and game.
      You quit as a tester! Thats why you weren't on the credits. However I should give you credit for that fact that I developed the cluetip system almost as a direct result of your comments, which basically allows any player who is stuck or frustrated to get extra hints about the puzzles that they are stumped on.

      You can turn on cluetips via the in-game menu.


      • #18
        How do i light the torches or make the knife. Obviously you need to create it in the copmuter thing but using what?


        • #19
          I cant do anything in the tech tower!!
          "my print was not accepted"


          • #20

            Great game Lazarou! I can't seem to read the x-coordinate tho, and am stuck there. I have tried reloading the game, but it's still unreadable to me... It is my last step!


            • #21
              and relabelled the water puzzle due to me as well dont forget


              • #22
                Thanks Placeholder, I thought I's tried that but I must have been putting them in in the wrong order!


                • #23
                  I think I'm about to get infuriated - I can't DO anything at the chess board. I can see the pieces, but I can't move them. If this is a bug I'm going to be super mad.


                  • #24
                    click and drag them. The fiorst one goes int he very bottom left hand corner the rest you'll have try in each square still their right


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by brainisdead View Post
                      and relabelled the water puzzle due to me as well dont forget
                      haha yes that too, had to resize that thing like 3 times due to ur complaints!

                      BTW shouldnt this thread be in the adventure games section instead of the escape games? Wouldn't really consider this an escape game, and I'm the one who made it! ;P


                      • #26
                        Have gotten as far as the alter to sacrifice something and am now stuck. please help! Still can't light the torhces either!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by flissyg View Post
                          click and drag them. The fiorst one goes int he very bottom left hand corner the rest you'll have try in each square still their right
                          Thanks, but that one doesn't move at all. I guess the others are locked? But I can't grab it, the cursor doesn't turn to a pointer finger or anything. I started over.


                          • #28
                            I don't know if it makes any difference but i took a gem out of the eye of each statue before i moved the chess pieces


                            • #29
                              It worked the second time through, so maybe it's just me getting lucky. Out now, fantastic game.


                              • #30
                                In the third tower, if you put the goggles on, then look at pad, then put goggles back in computer, you don't have an arrow to move out of the tower.

