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The Compound
Walktrough Pt 1
It's rather gloomy in here. We need to find a way of turning on a light. Lucky for us, we can do that right here. In front of you is three cabinets and a power cord. Why don't we click on the middle one and the one the power cord twice? Great, we can see! The cupboard on the left lights the building to the building to the left when you go outside. Can you guess what the one on the right does? No of course not, you haven't been outside to see the two buildings. Let's go look. turn left and you will see a door
It's locked! Damn, never saw that coming.
Turn right to get back to the starting position. Then go right. Great a ladder! Climb it if you must, but we can't do anything there yet. Go right two more times. Another ladder and a door! Which to choose first? What? The door is locked! They made a monkey out of us again. Go down the ladder. Hmm, long ladder, we'll keep going until we reach the bottom. Go left twice. What's this? We had better take a peek. The blue button opens the door, The left green button turns the lights on a the bottom and does something inside. Go look. The right green button doesn't seem to do anything. Leave the lights on and close the door using the blue button. I'll tell you later why. Left once more. If you can see a key here, grab it. Otherwise pixel hunt until you get one. Return to the starting scene
We'll explore the left building first. Click the left grey box. Oh no, the cable fell out. Never mind, click on it twice again. Don't worry that it's now dark. Turn left. There's the door. Good thing we have a key this time! Go out the door to freedom. No, wait we haven't finished yet. The door on the left has light coming from it Go there.
We have here some pipes with a valve on it. This one looks to be closed, let's open it. As it happens, this game was developed by a programmer rather than a plumber. We actually closed the valve. Go right and we find a large pipe and a ladder. Climb the ladder. Go left, another valve, more chaos we can cause. Right twice. These valves have green handles! Close them anyway. Right again. Another valve and a ladder. You know the drill by now (close all the valves). down the ladder we find another floor. There doesn't seem to be anything we can do here, down again. We've found something! Quickly pick it up before someone else does. Any good room escaper knows that notes have to be read. Drag it over the eye symbol and read it. It doesn't make sense now, but it might be useful later. Click it to dismiss and go left twice. Someone already closed this valve! What a ripoff! never mind there is some sort of cable there we might find a use for later. There's also a wheel thing we can play with. It makes a sound. Now we are having fun!!! When you've had enough of that we will head back out again. OK, turn it once more, then we'll go. Right, right, up, up left, left down. Hey, this puddle wasn't here before! Try to look innocent. If there is no puddle, you have missed a valve. Left and down to get outside again.
First we will need to turn the lights on so go back, then right. Click on the right cabinet, then twice on the power cable. turn left and go out the door. Great the lights are on in the right building, lets go! Once inside, go right twice. Hey another treasure. OK, it's just a note. Pick it up and drag it to the eye. Some of you might have seen these symbols before, but only because you insisted on climbing the ladder in the first building. Climb the ladder then right. This looks like fun! For now, just grab the key. We'll play with it later. Left and down. Go right and down the ladder. Head off to the left. Haven't we been here before? No, it was in the other building. press the left green button to turn on the lights at the base. It's exactly the same as the other one so we doon't need to play with it. Make sure the lights are on and the door closed. When you're done, there's a bowling ball you can have fun with, take it. Take a peek to the left. Hmm, not much we can do here. Right, right, up, left, left, down and outside.
Click the bottom of the screen to reenter the first building, then right to the starting scene.Put the plug in the middle box. Right 3 times to the door. Use the key. It's a library. Often a good place to get a book. See if you can find one you like. Drag it over the eye to examine if it looks boring, put it back and get another.3rd from the right bottom shelfNow that you have a fun book, let's go see what more mischief we can get up to. Back then left three times to the start screen
Connect the lights to the left box. Turn left and out the door. In the left door again then right. There doesn't seem to be a bowling alley, but this pipe looks to be the right size for the ball. Shove it in there. Oh no, it's stuck! Never mind, there must be something we can do. Up, right right, down, down, left and left again. Don't play with any valves on the way. You should be looking at the wheel again. It was fun last time. Give it another spin. Two if you like. Last time you did this, you made a puddle on the floor. Maybe the ball will have been loosened by the water. Go back and check. Right, right, up, up, left, left, down. Hmmmm, maybe the 15th turn of the wheel was a little bit of overkill. Explore the area you seem to have opened. Another machine, but there seems to be something missing on the left. Make your way back to the starting scene.Last edited by Uncle Rim; 04-29-2009, 23:09:28.
Walkthrough Part 2
Change the lights to the right building and head over there. This time we want to go up the ladder and return to the spot we found the key. I'm sure you can find your way.Now we get to do some interesting stuff. Grab the cable from your inventory and plug it into the bottom left hole on the switchboard. Drag the book mover the eye icon. then you can plug the cable into the book. If you can't, you didn't find an interesting enough book in the library. Drag the top note over the eye. You need to make the buttons match the symbols you see. Oops, the book and cable returned to your inventory. Plug it back in. If you enter the code correctly, a beam of light will appear on the switch board. Go investigate what it does. You have another key! I'll meet you back to the starting point.
Remember those devices I told you to leave the doors closed and the lights on. We are now going to fill them with water. Set your lights to the left building. Go outside and into the building. Up the ladder and to the right. Stop and open one of the green valves then make your way down the ladder to where you can play with the wheel. Open the valve there (remember in this game, perpendicular to the pipe is open) now spin the wheel. Go back up the ladder and change the green valves so the other is open. go back and play with the wheel. When you are finished, I'll meet you at the starting scene.
Now we need to see what we have achieved by playing with the pipes and spinning the wheel. We'll start in the right building because it means I can type a little less. Change the lights to the right building and go there. Take the down ladder and head left. You'll find the machine is now full of water (good thing the door was closed) and there is something floating in it. Check that the light are blue around the base of the machine. If they are not, you haven't been following instructions! If and only if they are off, press the left green button.. Get this wrong and you will have to repeat the process of filling the tanks. If the lights are on, you may press the right green button to drain the chamber. Then you can open the door with the blue button to retrieve the piece floating in there. Go back to the starting scene.
It's dark, can you turn on the lights? Much better, go right and up the ladder. Those symbols again. Look at the notes again. The top note tells you that the symbols mean Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The second note tells you there is a physical state associated with these. If you move your mouse over the top left symbol, you'll find it turns into an I beam at the bottom. Click here to enter text. The state of earth is solid. Enter solid in lower case. Top right is air. Enter the state "gas". Bottom left is fire. It is "plasma". the last is water which you might have guessed is "liquid". If you did everything right, you should see the screens slide open revealing an access card. Do you think we should take it? OK go back and down the ladder. Right to the next ladder and down that. Left to the other machine with a piece floating in the water. Check the lights are on then press the right green button.Open the door with the blue button and retrieve the second triangular piece. It's a matching pair! Go left to the next machine. There are two tringles marked on it. We have two triangles, I think something might happen here. Use the triangles. Oooo seen one of those before.. Take it and meet me at the starting scene.
The new item looks like the thing that was on the right of the machine we discovered after our little accident with the bowling ball. Turn the lights on in the left building and head over there. Right, through to wall and forward. Put the new piece in the left hand side of the machine. Nothing happens. We have a key we don't know what it's for, try that in the keyhole. What are you waiting for? Grab the cylinder before someone discovers the damage we did and meet me back at the starting point.
Turn the lights on in the right building and meet me there. Go all the way right and down the ladder. Then go all the way left to the white door. I wonder if the access card works here. It's worth a try. Of course it does, it's not like I haven't played this game before! Proceed. This hallway looks spooky, but we are nearly out of here, don't give up now. Forward again. Lots of flashing lights! Which one do we push? Hmm there's a hole on the right, put the cylinder in it. back to the keyboard. Blinkity blink, they are all flashing so many colours. Which one do we press? So many to choose from. Wait, one of them isn't flashing, lets pick on that slacker. A chair. Good, i could use a rest right now. click the chair. press the button and pull the lever. you're on your own nowLast edited by Uncle Rim; 04-29-2009, 23:17:08.
Yes, that book had me stumped for a while. You can only take one at a time and since you don't know its purpose, you can't tell it is the wrong one. Others who lucked out and got the right book first try just posted how it was used.
Glad to hear you didn't need to resort to the walkthrough.