check out my post on previous page re time!
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Room Escape 1
The numbers indicate down and right. The thing that looks like a Y is a clue of where to use something.
Tips for Tower of Eternity:
The second part of the green key isin a desk drawer. You need to click inside the back of the drawer to find it.
You need all three memos and the code on the wall. The first memo shows 4 equations using uppercase letters, lowercase letters and numerals. You have 3 sets of ten digits. You just need to find out which is which. The numerals count from 0, not 1Last edited by Uncle Rim; 05-08-2009, 23:12:05.
i feel really dumb all i can find is thebatteries
edit: i have now found and used a couple of items and seencar license plate out of the window- fairly sure i know what to do with this from previous hints but clicking is getting me nowhere.
I'd give up on this but I'm too stubborn
edit2: POP! I'm out but not all that sure howknowlege = power
power = energy
energy = mass
A library is just a well organised black hole that has learned to read.
im stayin away from these gameshaha
I'm just a girl, Take a good look at me. Just your typical prototype
I'm just a girl, what's my destiny? What I've succumbed to Is making me numb
I'm just a girl, my apologies. What I've become is so burdensome
I'm just a girl, lucky me. Twiddle-dum there's no comparison.
I'm just a girl, living in captivity. Your rule of thumb Makes me worry some.
I'm just a girl in the world...
Thank you Loopy, Purp and Uncle Rim with all your help I am now outBadwife of my husblonde gh1!
Still searching for "the bit underneath"
My Riddle:- Little Red Riddling Hood Current Temp End 39
On holiday: 27th Aug - 10th Sept