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Wizard Taro - F Episode

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  • #16
    I can't seem to figure out where to use coin.


    • #17
      Not even close to where you are yet Michelle... still clickin' around!

      How do you 'use' bottle on machine?


      • #18

        Found cell phone

        This should give the clue for 109, but I'm not quite getting it yet.
        What does


        • #19


          • #20
            Whoops.. was using the wrong machine! got coin & used...


            • #21
              The cell phone has me more confused than ever...

              Originally posted by Mistery View Post
              What does
              Not exactly sure. I have tried adding the last four digits of the phone numbers. That wasn't it. Also tried the obvious just entering the last four digits of each number on their own and none of those worked. Nor did just using the very last digit from each number either...

              I'm afraid I have to leave and come back to this tomorrow. I sure hope that save functions works. Good luck. Post the codes if you figure them out!!!
              Last edited by Michelle; 07-27-2009, 22:56:19.


              • #22
                This game is too hard

                Maybe the cell phone gives another code that we'll need later.
                I don't understand the CTRL hint at all. This might be needed for 109, but I'm not sure.


                • #23
                  Yes, that is what the CTRL code is for. How you get it:

                  Sorry if that's confusing, I played the game when it first came out and that's how I remember you were supposed to get that code. Once you get that one, the game is a whole lot easier. Not EASY, but easier.


                  • #24
                    How much paper do I need for notes? How many notes do I need? Evidently started in room 115 and been in room 105. Have 2 items and 1 memo. see I need a coin according to SueJ.
                    And see I should be keeping track of something else also .. where are my smart pills!
                    Well now have 3 items and 3 memos. Looking still for coin. Been in 3 rooms.
                    have excchanged an item for another item and found an item.
                    4 bottoms LOL post #18 I think = very wide *grin* Nope, nothing added to my cola/soda/pop/drink .. just what popped into my tired mind.
                    This has been a struggle and I need something mindless for awhile.
                    Have a great day!
                    Last edited by NannaJoy; 07-28-2009, 19:31:47.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Michelle View Post
                      The cell phone has me more confused than ever...

                      Not exactly sure. I have tried adding the last four digits of the phone numbers. That wasn't it. Also tried the obvious just entering the last four digits of each number on their own and none of those worked. Nor did just using the very last digit from each number either...

                      I'm afraid I have to leave and come back to this tomorrow. I sure hope that save functions works. Good luck. Post the codes if you figure them out!!!
                      For the control room, the best explaination I found on the net is this one :

                      It come from Dany's forum.

                      Open rooms for now : 101, 102, 105 and 109 to 115.
                      Last edited by Dmike92; 07-29-2009, 13:13:03.
                      Want to make your own Internet game ?
                      sigpic . .
                      Game4 (Chez moi) now available (Demo tab).

