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Swan's Room ver. 1.02

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  • Swan's Room ver. 1.02

    Escape from the Swans room. But you must find some things first. Things what could help you to escape.

    Please use spoilers to give hints:
    [spoiler=Title Here]Enter text here...[/spoiler]

    He who fights and runs away can run away another day.

  • #2
    What the world

    What kind of game is this theres no english. How do you think that american people can read this china crap it sucks


    • #3
      Originally posted by Unregistered
      What kind of game is this theres no english. How do you think that american people can read this china crap it sucks
      acctually this game is possible to solve without knowing chinese or japanese etc. And there's a English version coming...


      • #4
        Originally posted by RegisteredNot
        acctually this game is possible to solve without knowing chinese or japanese etc. And there's a English version coming...
        Could you give me a hint
        I have the apple, the wire the pot, the briefcase, the pliers (I bent the wire) the battery and the envelope.

        Do you know how the clock thing on the computer works?


        • #5
          Never mind I got the clock thing
          I found a mug and a remote but have only one battery
          Where is the second battery?
          If any one knows can you please help me


          • #6
            Never mind got it
            Have the little plant growing but can't seem to get into the second file on the computer


            • #7
              Does anyone know how to cut the wires so you don't get blown up?


              • #8
                hi, i got the key, the apple, the pliers, one battery, the suitcase, sth like a nintendo game and a mug. what to do ?? im stuck!! i figured out the clock thing on the computer but i cant read the file, its in japanese, and i cant open the second file. where do i get the wires from??


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Unregistered
                  hi, i got the key, the apple, the pliers, one battery, the suitcase, sth like a nintendo game and a mug. what to do ?? im stuck!! i figured out the clock thing on the computer but i cant read the file, its in japanese, and i cant open the second file. where do i get the wires from??
                  I don't know if you can get the second file
                  If you eat the apple you will get the pit, put the pit into the pot that you found in the drawer.
                  If you use the mug and fill it with water from the fish tank and water the pot.
                  Turn the tempurature up to 30, then wait till the plant sprouts.
                  Once it has sprouted water it again and turn the temperature down to 18
                  Once the apple grows click on it and you will find the key to the briefcase.
                  that is as far as I have gotten as there is a bomb and I keep getting blown up

                  Hope that helps you some


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Unregistered
                    I don't know if you can get the second file
                    If you eat the apple you will get the pit, put the pit into the pot that you found in the drawer.
                    If you use the mug and fill it with water from the fish tank and water the pot.
                    Turn the tempurature up to 30, then wait till the plant sprouts.
                    Once it has sprouted water it again and turn the temperature down to 18
                    Once the apple grows click on it and you will find the key to the briefcase.
                    that is as far as I have gotten as there is a bomb and I keep getting blown up

                    Hope that helps you some
                    can u help tell me how to turn the temp up and down


                    • #11

                      once you have recharged the batteries, and turned the air-con on,
                      take the batteries out and plug one into the clock
                      this gives you a different configuration of the clock
                      the second file is now accessable
                      dont know what it says though, could someone please translate??
                      hope this helps


                      • #12
                        but how to eat the apple??


                        • #13
                          lol nevermind i just ate it


                          • #14
                            but wheres the second battery?? that is the question for 100 points..


                            • #15
                              thats so funny, i got it all again, lol. whats next

