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Puzzle Room Escape 11

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  • Puzzle Room Escape 11

    This is the next game in the Puzzle Room Escape series from Games2rule. Can you solve all the puzzles to get out? Good luc!

    Play Here

    Please use spoilers to give hints:
    [spoiler=Title Here]Enter text here...[/spoiler]

    Please do not post a video walkthrough for 7 days.

  • #2
    Out! These puzzles weren't so bad
    Proud Mother
    Turtle Lover
    I swear I was on the Titanic in a previous life, no joke!
    Getting Hitched September 18, 2010

    PM me if you'd like to chat


    • #3
      Trying too!
      Hmm having trouble cracking the colour codes.
      Last edited by Rexroth; 02-23-2010, 23:30:37.
      You dont have to be crazy to work here - but it sure helps


      • #4
        Another one I did on my own.
        Don't know what I did with the colorballs but it worked.
        From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


        • #5
          The first color-balls I solved without having a clue of what I was doing, but the second I think I got the logic:

          The Calculator


          • #6
            Yes, whatever coloured balls are touching on the bottom row can NOT be touching in the grid.

            Like Anza and Yvonne, I didn't know what I was doing with Door 2. I had to look up what I was supposed to be doing before I finally got it. The last ball was the hardest.

            When I saw Door 3 I went O-M-G!!! But it turned out to be WAY more easier than the 2nd one [but maybe only because I knew what I was doing, lol]

