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Escher 1: Chromatophobia

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  • Escher 1: Chromatophobia

    Disarm the hidden bomb, and get out of the room.

    Escher 1: Chromatophobia
    room escape game

    Please use spoilers to give hints:
    [spoiler=Title Here]Enter text here...[/spoiler]

    Please do not post a video walkthrough for 7 days.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Mistery; 02-27-2010, 00:25:22. Reason: Added description

  • #2
    Hey this looks good!!!
    Love a bomb challenge
    Seen lots and lots of paperclips but cant take them...
    Have so far - string and tape (combined but now looking for coin?), red key (usedx2 in the end), blue key (used), screwdriver (used), lever (used near end), barcode reader
    Now have rusty key (used) and magnet (combined and used) saw way to disarm bomb and finally coin (used)! Now white key and OUT!
    Great game - thanks for posting!!
    Cant wait for the next one... promises to be more crazy...
    Last edited by Rexroth; 02-27-2010, 23:11:09.
    You dont have to be crazy to work here - but it sure helps


    • #3
      Hmm. Out but odd


      • #4
        Quite odd, out, but not without help with the code as I never found anything to scan. TY Rexroth.

        Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


        • #5
          Okay, out, I think, but couldn't have done it without help.
          Thanks Rexroth
          From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


          • #6
            Originally posted by tipper75 View Post
            Quite odd, out, but not without help with the code as I never found anything to scan. TY Rexroth.

            You dont have to be crazy to work here - but it sure helps


            • #7
              not hard but strange


              • #8
                I'm having a hard time figuring out how to get to the back of the Poe book for the barcode! Any tips?

                ETA: Nevermind! I figured it out.
                Last edited by shewillbeloved; 03-02-2010, 22:08:34.
                "I say, this God really was a stand up fellow! A little pestilence here, a little plague there! I gotta get me some of that!" - Stewie Griffin


                • #9
                  Out with the help of Rexroth. Thanks

                  The Escape Artist

