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  • Alloy

    Another room escape game by Hilg. Find items and solve puzzles to escape the room! Good luck

    (You can switch to English by clicking on the yellow button "sys" after loading; you can also save the game by using the red button)

    Play Here

    Please use spoilers to give hints:
    [spoiler=Title Here]Enter text here...[/spoiler]

    Please do not post a video walkthrough for 7 days.

  • #2
    2 number memory alloys, red key (used), blue key (used), letter hints on blue card (used), metal parts, orb shaped part, knob/handle (used), photos of wine, cutter, GPS, remote control which doesn't work, bottle, memo, hammer.

    Was in bathroom and bedroom.

    I thought that the
    but doesn't work

    Stuck now....

    Ah okay, put memory alloy


    • #3
      I'm finding this one really hard.

      I have also placed the memory alloy then


      • #4
        Hmmm, I'm still stuck at the same point as before...
        Going to try what you said.
        Got it

        Btw, you can click the yellow button "sys" and choose to show hints.
        I haven't done that yet

        Ah found corkscrew


        • #5
          If you click

          It looks like we have to
          Last edited by dalveen; 03-05-2010, 20:14:18.


          • #6
            Aha! It says it's a vent.

            Why can't we put 2nd memory alloy

            Tried that, too, but can't take bottle so far.


            • #7


              • #8
                Wow, wouldn't have thought of that


                • #9
                  I trying everything in desperation.

                  Did you notice


                  • #10
                    Yes, I tried to use that hint
                    Not sure if I understood that hint right.


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        Well, I thought

                        Hmmm, it doesn't seem that we can pick up wine bottles and glasses

                        Btw, have you seen

                        But I don't know what it means

                        I also tried


                        • #13
                          I think your idea with the cupboard sounds logical.

                          I have to go now - which is really annoying because I'm really starting to like this game.

                          Best of luck!

                          Yes.... its got a save button!!


                          • #14
                            You can save the game, and continue later Use the red button.

                            Thanks for playing with me so far

                            Lol, I just switched on the hint system, but no matter where I click it says "No information now" Very helpful hint system

                            I guess I'll need some help to continue, maybe other players will join in later.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Mistery View Post
                              Well, I thought

                              Hmmm, it doesn't seem that we can pick up wine bottles and glasses

                              Btw, have you seen

                              But I don't know what it means

                              I also tried

                              I got out, so I'm gonna try to help ya

                              Cabinet color code:

                              If you still need help let me know.

                              FINALLY OUT!!!!
                              Last edited by QTSuzie3; 03-05-2010, 22:14:19.
                              Proud Mother
                              Turtle Lover
                              I swear I was on the Titanic in a previous life, no joke!
                              Getting Hitched September 18, 2010

                              PM me if you'd like to chat

