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Spa Escape

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  • Spa Escape

    This is a Japanese room escape game. Can you escape from the spa?
    Good luck!

    (Don't know if there is a language barrier to complete the game)

    Play Here

    Please use spoilers to give hints:
    [spoiler=Title Here]Enter text here...[/spoiler]

    Please do not post a video walkthrough for 7 days.

  • #2
    Yes, I have a language problem but are also making progress.
    Have a list and I think I have to either find things or do things. I think the first option is correct. Only have 1 item left on my list.

    Have found 2 things that I cann't get. Maybe I have to find a stick or something like it.

    Nope didn't need a stick.
    Have everything that is on my list allthough I have no idea about what is on my list.

    New development, I wasn't locked in but now I am. HELP .....LOL
    Have some new items and have to figure out what to do with them.

    Have been gone for a while for making and eating dinner and see that I'm still alone on this one. Too bad because I could use some help.
    Going back in to see if I can get out.

    Done trying to do this all by my self. Will go and find some help at EG24.

    Still struggling even with the help of EG24. Only look at the things that I am stuck at and then try to continue on my own from there.
    Have made some progress but am still locked in.

    After 3 hours, minus eating, I am finally out.
    I regret that I don't know what is been said in the end.
    Found the exit without help.
    Don't know if there are any other endings but I am a Super Player, according to the game.
    Last edited by Yvonne; 03-06-2010, 20:36:05.
    From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


    • #3
      Well. i have:

      any clues would be much appreciated
      Last edited by HANFGARN; 03-06-2010, 22:20:11.
      My daddy was a dollar

      Not worth a hundred cents


      • #4
        Okay will try to think back and help you.

        Downstairs there are some big grey coloms, you can click on those to and see where it takes you.
        Last edited by Yvonne; 03-06-2010, 22:26:53.
        From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


        • #5
          Great! thank you Yvonne.

          I still have no idea, where to find
          . i don't understand, that i haven't seen a single one

          edit: the game just gave me an extra door found two of the cups
          Last edited by HANFGARN; 03-06-2010, 22:32:17.
          My daddy was a dollar

          Not worth a hundred cents


          • #6

            Good job.
            I read on EG24 that the game can be a bit buggy.

            I believe it's much nicer to play the game together with someone else so you can help each other. This way is better then when I did it all alone.

            Edit Edit:
            Yes, some clues get clearer during the game.
            I first thought I had to use the cups the amount of times that the numbers said. I'm glad that wasn't the case.
            Last edited by Yvonne; 03-06-2010, 22:46:37.
            From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


            • #7
              thanks again. and after finding the thing in the pool, i understand the clue for the cups. hooray... i'm not completely brain dead after all. yay me

              yes i also thought, that i would have to run back and forth to fill up the cups.
              one thing i don't understand though. I can't find the water with the right temperature for the green cup. i'm going around in circles on this one

              i think i have to get the thing in the pool with the three beams.. but i have no idea how.
              Last edited by HANFGARN; 03-06-2010, 23:07:42.
              My daddy was a dollar

              Not worth a hundred cents


              • #8
                Is that the

                Last edited by Yvonne; 03-06-2010, 23:17:37.
                From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Yvonne View Post
                  Is that the

                  damn i hadn't even seen that point. THANK YOU SO MUCH! you are an angel, and i am not worthy ... this game was really starting to *beep* me off.
                  My daddy was a dollar

                  Not worth a hundred cents


                  • #10
                    I had the same problem whit the game when I was playing it alone earlier on, that is why I turned for help at the EG24 site. It was either that or quit.
                    I had missed the view with the pool upstairs where you found
                    what you needed for the cups clue.
                    I'm glad that I'm here to help you when you need it.
                    We all need some help sometimes, allthough I feel I need help all the time.
                    Last edited by Yvonne; 03-06-2010, 23:34:40.
                    From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


                    • #11
                      How do you go down the stairs ?

                      Are those black things tacks ?

                      EDIT: Got rid of them.

                      Can't find any of these measuring cups you spoke of.
                      Last edited by donaud; 03-07-2010, 02:17:28.


                      • #12
                        So I've started. Movement takes some getting used to.
                        & 3 checks on my list now.
                        Did some cleaning - how does that help?'

                        and all checked off my list.
                        I got the item that shows up under 3rd item on right. Not sure when that showed up. Can put it some place but it doesn't stay.

                        Hmm found an item but it fell? can't find. dirctions to find it was on paper.
                        Between healing hubby, dog and phone I'm having a time remembering where I am. Have the first 10 items, missing 11, 12, 14, & 16. A few I've not used. What's with the wood over the one pool? it is a hot spot but can't seem to find anything.
                        Have items 11 & 12. Do not have item in pool with 3 sprays of water.
                        Just missing # 18. Miss counted before? Still can't get item.

                        Dog wants to go out .. and then I did email. I the one idea I had didn't work. So hanging it up for tonight. Maybe a hint tomorrow will help.. *sigh* - really later today as it ia after 1 am.

                        Well, see no clue added.

                        Oh dear
                        Do I need to start over? Time for smoke break and dinner.

                        I restarted - some items in my items list already. Two to be found were not where they should have been. Did all I could with what I have and they still were not there - a bug? I'll do something else for awhie...
                        Last edited by NannaJoy; 03-09-2010, 02:32:45.

