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Super Sneaky Spy Guy - Mansion Escape

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  • Super Sneaky Spy Guy - Mansion Escape

    Super Sneaky Spy Guy - Mansion Escape is another new point and click escape game from me (Selfdefiant). Once again you need to help Super Sneaky Spy Guy Escape. This time he must escape this awesome mansion! Find clues, items and solve puzzles to help Sneaky escape! Good luck and have fun!

    Play Super Sneaky Spy Guy - Mansion Escape Here!

    Please use spoilers for hints and walkthroughs:
    [spoiler=Title Here]Enter text here...[/spoiler]

    Please do not post a video walkthrough for 7 days.

  • #2
    Got so far:
    chopsticks, sneaky coin, wrench, screwdriver (used twice), red gemstone, chess piece
    Seen color hint, and a photo

    Found battery

    Used photo hint
    to get yellow gem.

    Got white key now and used.

    Used wrench
    to get blue gemstone.

    Got mirror

    Hmmm, found a small round hole

    Used battery

    And then got matches

    Where to use

    Used chopsticks
    and got golden key, yay!

    Got into room with golden key, found there
    and placed
    to get silver key.

    Used silver key on
    and I think I found there place to put gems

    Also found

    Got black key

    Used black key on door in

    Found second half of note.
    Don't have anything yet to lift up

    Hmmm, combined
    , but don't understand the meaning yet.
    Found number pad
    , dunno code.
    Hehe, figured out code:

    Now in gym and found

    Used it to
    and got pink gem.

    Ah! Used clue from note in

    Got green gem.

    Used color hint

    And out!!!!

    Fun game


    • #3
      And out with only one hint! Thanks, Mistery, and sssg! Keep them coming!
      Old Age and Treachery Will Always Overcome Youth and Exuberance

      Best Granny in the WORLD! "Hugs and Slugs Dispensed as Needed"


      • #4
        Out, thanks for the help Mistery
        Nice game again.
        From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


        • #5
          You're most welcome Peggy & Yvonne


          • #6
            Other than forgetting where I am (I get lost easily in these), it was a great game! Thanks for the hints Mistery!

            I also want to know why I'd ever want to escape that gorgous place?!?!
            Last edited by SueJ999; 11-29-2010, 20:44:20.


            • #7
              Hehe, yes, I got lost a few times, too
              You're welcome


              • #8
                I'm out 2 - thnx Mistery...

                enjoy life


                • #9
                  Don't think I'll finish tonight. Can't recall if this saves. 2 marbles only so haven't played too long. Hope I can read my notes tomorrow. Sleep well ..


                  • #10
                    Couldn't open the shapes box without help. Why is something so easy always so hard???


                    • #11
                      beautyful game, i'm out and very proud, only 1 hint needed, yellow gem....

