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New Year Day Escape

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  • New Year Day Escape

    New Year Day Escape is another new Japanese point and click type adventure game created by Sabatoraseijin. In this game, you have to find some items and solving puzzles to finish it.

    Good luck

    Please use spoilers for hints and walkthroughs:
    [spoiler=Title Here]Enter text here...[/spoiler]

    Please do not post a video walkthrough for 7 days.

  • #2
    stuck on PW ,probebly on unreadable note


    • #3
      Yes, many to read, but not for me. It's strange,
      . What to do with the white food? Where is place for password?
      Edit: got safe

      stuck on password

      After that I was stuck, got from eg password, din't work for me:
      Last edited by bip; 01-02-2011, 01:01:10.


      • #4
        you need to really click a lot around ,from cat with bird you get

        and clicking around the room in the dark shows were to use key ,witch you get


        • #5
          Thanks, old biker, got it a bit by my own; was always editing my post and didn't see yours!
          Got finally pw from eg and doesn't work for me, too bad!

          Happy New Year!

          So, did all again, went with meat to pink rabbit door, but clicked behind animal and got bamboo for luck!!
          Last edited by bip; 01-02-2011, 01:20:05.


          • #6
            I can't pick anything up. is there a trick to it or do I have a glitch?


            • #7
              I can't either. I think it's a language thing...perhaps if we knew what it was telling us when we try to pick things up we'd know what was going on! I'm impressed by how far others got because I'm getting nowhere fast!!

              Am I the only one out there that uses my iPhone to take pictures of clues so that I don't have to write them down or remember them?


              • #8
                I played a bit .. without hand holding I'll never finish so will just pass.


                • #9
                  Did it all but messed up the end, will not try again.
                  From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me

