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Escape from Zodiac : House of Pisces

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  • Escape from Zodiac : House of Pisces

    Escape from Zodiac : House of Pisces is a new point and click type escape game from Wild Harmony Studio. This is the first game for the saga "Escape From Zodiac". This time you are trapped in the house of piscis, and you must find the way to get out.... but this is not and easy task... We hope you like this game! Good luck!

    ヴォクシーは人気のミニバンですが、市場に出回っている台数も多いので、相場より高く売るためにはちょっとしたコツが必要です。 当サイトではヴォクシー買取相場の参考価格や、査定価格をアップするための方法を紹介しています。

    Please use spoilers for hints and walkthroughs:
    [spoiler=Title Here]Enter text here...[/spoiler]

    Please do not post a video walkthrough for 7 days.

  • #2
    stuck with
    have seen a place to put a code and (I think) a code but what order? I have tried them all but nothing works

    oh well


    • #3
      put the lens in the telescope to see the order of the code...but, I'm stuck with 3 pieces placed in the larger medallion, can't find the fourth piece.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Fishaholic View Post
        put the lens in the telescope to see the order of the code...but, I'm stuck with 3 pieces placed in the larger medallion, can't find the fourth piece.
        Lens, I don't have lens. Looking everywhere. Slight hint?

        ---------- Post added at 10:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 AM ----------

        Placed all four symbold but haven't got the 3 digit code entered yet, the wall is still there, can't see the symbol pieces anymore.

        ---------- Post added at 10:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 AM ----------

        Originally posted by ricardo View Post
        Lens, I don't have lens. Looking everywhere. Slight hint?

        ---------- Post added at 10:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 AM ----------

        Placed all four symbold but haven't got the 3 digit code entered yet, the wall is still there, can't see the symbol pieces anymore.
        starting over, maybe a bug


        • #5
          The 4. piece you have to search in the picture.Click the lights in the windows.Left side of the house 2 lights, middle 2 lights, right 3 lights.Than will open the wall.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Monsterfrosch2 View Post
            The 4. piece you have to search in the picture.Click the lights in the windows.Left side of the house 2 lights, middle 2 lights, right 3 lights.Than will open the wall.
            Got that, was missing lens, found it and out.


            • #7
              Too tough for me. I looked up each date

              On a more friendly note, Wildharmony,fishaholic, monster, and ricardo.
              Don't forget you are awesome.


              • #8
                Video walkthough:

                sorry, haven´t read that with the seven days, sorry :-)


                • #9
                  I've used the medallions found in the picture, the book, and by the lantern. can't find the last one. anyone help?
                  They always fight for what's right
                  THAT'S CUZ, USUALLY

                  I'd rather watch then fight.

